how do you......


New member
Click the HELP button in the row of icons at the top of this message (near it anyways) and you will get a list of "how to" items.

Basically you list a link to where your picture is stored -- in the signature box on the settings page (notice the icon called SETTINGS in the same row of icons).

If you are still confused ask again - someone can step you through it.

Personally, I'm still trying to find out how some folks have two links using a headline. I can do one - but I can't seem to get two different ones.


New member
Dennis, copy and paste the url to your image into your signature. it will appear as an image when you post..... like this:
(below is the url without the http...
www . mark viii. org / ~ blackicelsc / signature . jpeg

if I add the <http://> this is what it will look like. Just make sure it meets the rules as far as max. size
94 Black/Black M8
95 Champagne/Saddle M8