In need of...................


New member
hey geno-=-i just ordered a new chrome piece for above my grill-will be here early next week like mon or tues so if your interested in my old one let me know-its in fair condition i know that you will probably paint it anyway bein as you arent a fan of chrome-
you can email me or call me at 267-971-7314--
you probab remem me callin you last week about the ground effects kit and the performance mods


New member
it was in alright shape but i am trying to redo the whole car- so alright isnt good enough-ya know-i can take a pic of it with a dig cam and send it to you-let ya see it- let me know


On Work Release
I saw some of these pieces on our favorite web site earlier this week you may want to go there. I have bought a couple of items from him in the past successfully. Good Luck