J the monopolizer


We really need to get all four cars in one shot.
Hey...I woke up especially early to take pictures of all the cars but you were gone!

I wonder why I am cracking up... lol!
Because I was trying to take a picture of you and Barry but Duke walked over and started hitting my phone with his tail. :)

do you see it?!
I do! God I love horseshoes! :)

In my profession, HBD means have been drinking, which was true too I guess. Haha!

Ditto on the late wishes. Please don't Tase me!!
Still with the taser? :p

How did this thread ever complile 58 responses?
Come on...Monopolizer here. Haha

(and didn't live 3000 miles away) I would have been there!
Mileage is no excuse! I'll let the Carlisle prep count though, I can imagine it's gonna be a big deal!

Just want to say thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, your support and wishes have always been appreciated! Hopefully one day I can meet you all and have a birthday drink.


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Sweet Mike, they are currently out of sensors but I'll add my name on the list. I'm a 1000' from the Zayante Fault and about 2-3 miles from the San Andreas Fault.

Thanks for the 2 month late wishes! ;)


Lincoln Evangelist
I remembered you posting an image in another thread, showing that you were right on top of one of the faults.. I figured that'd make your location a desirable one for their sensor data.

Good luck!