LOD Advertising Page Is Up


New member
GOOD WORK JOHN!! Two things though, your email link doesn't work on the page and why if a vendor wants to sponsor more than one forum they MUST be different price ranges?


Good work John.

As I wrote to you though, and I guess I'll put it here to see how others feel, I really would hate to see the Members Only Forum with an ad on it. It's already a forum paid for by the members with their dues... IMO it should be kept ad free.

IceMans Revenge

New member

The idea of allowing a vendor to advertise in only three forums per year is for multiple reasons. First, this rule allows an equal opportunity for the vendors to advertise, and it makes sure that one vendor is not able to monopolize the LOD forums. Secondly, it establishes the credibility of our message board. If one vendor buys 6 ads, and new people are constantly seeing an ad from that particular vendor, then the "credibility" of having advertisements would naturally be lessened(Imagine a TV network playing 5 Pepsi ads in a row).

In addition, I tried to come up with a singular, all inclusive, statement that would ensure no single vendor could buy the rights to all, or multiples of, the most popular forums. If a vendor was allowed to purchase three of the technical forums, then it would naturally exclude other vendors' interest in advertising. This was the simplest and most concise way I could think of to keep our advertising base as diverse, and fair, as possible. I definately am welcoming all of the suggestions I can get.
