FS: modded 97 lsc blk on blk [SOLD]


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Oh...and fwiw, sorry if you take my posts the wrong way. If you notice ALL of them have HAPPY smiley faces.


Boost King
Gentlemen, Please let Jamie get back to selling his car.

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New member
well i'm a little on edge after 15 years my wife just told me she wants to seperate for awhile, if not for good, so happy i am far from jesse. all i want is the car gone so i can take a needed leave from florida.

Ford nut

New member
The car is worth 4k all day long with the mods it has.
Jamie knows these cars, and has sold a number of them with no complaints.

I have no doubt whoever buys this car will be happy.
Good luck with the sale.


New member
Great,now go to your wife and tell her how much you love her, tell her you love her more than you have ever loved any Mark VIII.

I have been married for more than 48 years and I always have the last word.

Yes Dear!!!!!

Take Care My Young Friend.



New member
me and the wife got back together sunday and things are really good. i am tired of having the nice flashy cars, they mean nothing in life, i want a truck that i dont have to wash and baby everyday. i want to turn the key, go to work and come home to my family. i have too many important things going on to worry about the little stuff. i love my car but its just a car, it cant do anything for me. i'm getting out of the mark VIII's for ever. i have alot of bad memories from these cars from the last 12 years as well as good ones, but i want to put it all behind me. all i care about now is making them pay checks and making my wife happy. its all i ever wanted really!

Mike P

Staff member

me and the wife got back together sunday and things are really good. i am tired of having the nice flashy cars, they mean nothing in life, i want a truck that i dont have to wash and baby everyday. i want to turn the key, go to work and come home to my family. i have too many important things going on to worry about the little stuff. i love my car but its just a car, it cant do anything for me. i'm getting out of the mark VIII's for ever. i have alot of bad memories from these cars from the last 12 years as well as good ones, but i want to put it all behind me. all i care about now is making them pay checks and making my wife happy. its all i ever wanted really!
congrats and good luck


New member
Congrats on the sale, did the car stay local? Sorry to see you leave Mark family. We will lose a solid contributor and valuable resource. Best vibes on the family front.

Ford nut

New member
Glad it sold, hope you got what you wanted for it.

Don't be a stranger, you have a wealth of knowledge after the years you have put into to these cars.

Good luck with the wife.
Marriage is a never ending test.
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New member
thanks ford nut, no i didnt get what i wanted for it not even close but sacrifice is the name of the game. as far as what happens to the car now, i could care less its not mine anymore so far he has no way of getting a winter beater so consider that mark VIII trash, and things with the wife are going awesome! so if in the end out of all this crap that has happened in the last month, selling the car but working things out with the wife, i'd rather have my wife than any car. she is the glue that keeps me together.


Loved Carlisle 2011
Congrats on the sale sir and glad to hear things seem to be getting better on the home front. Stay safe.

Ford nut

New member
I failed "that" test. Haha!
Join the club! :)

thanks ford nut, no i didnt get what i wanted for it not even close but sacrifice is the name of the game. as far as what happens to the car now, i could care less its not mine anymore so far he has no way of getting a winter beater so consider that mark VIII trash, and things with the wife are going awesome! so if in the end out of all this crap that has happened in the last month, selling the car but working things out with the wife, i'd rather have my wife than any car. she is the glue that keeps me together.
You never get what you want, never, happy to hear things are going good with the Wife, she means a lot to you.
Life can suck at times.