Model T Engine Party in MN


Lincoln Evangelist
This was a really good time. Not many people get to claim they have worked on a 99 year old car. In the process, I got to know the old girl pretty well. Everything came apart surprisingly well. We really only got "stuck" a couple times, and on very minor things. The pitman arm, and a linkage for the timing adjuster that didn't want to come loose.

A third, if you count it, was us not knowing how to separate the driveshaft from the transmission. It ended up working as we suspected, but not wanting to force anything, we did our research and took our time. A really unique vehicle, and a great project.

I'm looking forward to putting this one back together soon.


Thanks for coming over again, you and Luke were a big help!! I'll start another thread documenting the progress of the rebuild and post back up here when the time is right to re-install. Hopefully the snow will be gone next year by May 1st so that I will have time to complete and hopefully do Carlisle and/or power tour with her.


Kinda hard to get body roll when a lawn mower can out run you!

But I will try.....BTW the HRPT14 idea is still simmering in my head. I would need the LOD PTers to stick with me.


Lincoln Evangelist
I'll just string a hand throttle, and lock 'er in first gear.

Get that engine torn down yet? :D


It was a great time. I will have to put everything back together in the spring. Your more then welcome to come up. I promise it wont be snowing.......much! :)


Just thought I would put this out there as well. One of the FOG's from the Model T club I'm in (The T Totalers) is coming over the 22nd. Mike I could use a good photographer is your available. :) Again I will make sure everyone is feed well.

Still working on getting pictures off my better camera so I can start an actual progress thread, stay tuned.......


Lincoln Evangelist
I was wondering how this project was going. Also, I love the club name..

Now, get going on those pictures. :) That's a seriously good camera you have there, and it should take better pictures than mine does.

Create a folder within your "pictures" folder, and copy the pertinent contents of the camera's memory card to it. Then, go through the photos on the computer. I always delete the ones that are terrible right on the spot. (blurry, accidental shots of the floor, 6 of the 7 rapid-fire shots.. ) In your case you'll want to be careful here though. We took lots of pictures specifically for the purpose of documentation that may otherwise be poorly composed. If there are still lots of pictures, I'll create a new folder within that one called "finals" into which I'll move the five or six that I plan to actually put on-line. Going through them on the PC is way faster than on the memory card itself. Once you've got that done, delete the originals off the card to save space.

And of course, make a backup.


Oddly enough its the simple things that are holding me up.

i.e. A dead battery, it's one of them special ones too.


Hopefully get her torn down on Friday and sent off to the machine shop by thanksgiving. Still trying to find a battery charger for my camera.