My 97 with Octastars


Lurking....always Lurking
A few weeks ago, I picked up a set of Octastars from Dmaup. Today, I finally got them installed on my 97. I gave her a bath and a quick wax, and took her for a photo shoot.

With her namesake. He seems more interested in that book....



Lurking....always Lurking
Nice! :)

You need to remember these when it's calendar pic time. ;)
Will do. My DA is getting a full detail this week, and I'll be taking pictures of it too. I should have plenty to choose from when it comes time for calendar submissions.

looks great, but you need some meguiars tire dressing on the tires!
Thanks. I would love to be able to dress my tires. However, out here in BFE Illinois, they put chipped rock down in the summer because the roads "bleed" oil when it gets hot. If I put anything at all on the tires, they turn white with rock dust.


New member
i have the same problem lately the city of new port richey has us 19 in front of my work all ripped up for new sewer pipes and they have lime stone down right now and i cannot avoid it and i am so sick of driving around with koker white walls on my 97!

Mike P

Staff member
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Looks great, I love octastars