My time on here will be limited


New member
For a little while anyway.

It has been a long few weeks. My best friend just got married so I had a ton of running around for that. The wedding went great it was in Rhode Island and was outside with perfect weather.

Then my daughter rode in the lead line class (horse riding) at the fair and totally kicked butt.

Then it turned bad. My 89 year old grandmother fell while she was alone at my parents house (we were all at the fair). She was on the floor for almost an hour before anybody got to her. She went to the hospital were we found out she not only broke her right erist, but also her right hip. In turn they found that she has big time blockage in her blood vessels in her neck. She made it through the surgery for her hip and wrist. Now we find out she has a very small blood clot in her lung and cannot go to rehab because of it. they are working on reducing it now and say that she will be back in rehab within the next 2 weeks. So I have been stopping in on her on my way to and from work everyday.

So just when you think it cannot get worse, I get my blood work back. I had to get it redone becuase the doctor want to double check thigns he tells me. Well it seems I have diabetes. My sugar levels were above 300 and he said they should be in the high 90's to low 100's. Just what I needed to find out. You see I went to the doctor becuase every now and then my body feels really weak and sometime my eyesight starts to get blurred (my grandmother who died 2 years ago had diabetes along with a few other family members). He said that is being caused by the diabetes. I know have to meet with a specialist and more than likely will be taking pills along with having to adjust my diet.

Needless to say the time I have to be on here for atleast the next few weeks will be limited. Sorry for the long post guys.


LOD Board of Directors

I hope your grandmother makes a good and speedy recovery.

It is true that normal blood sugar is less than 100. Medicine is not all there is to treating diabetes. A change in lifestyle is important too. Eating sugar does not cause diabetes. Diabetes is not only a problem of metabolism of sugar, but also equally important the metabolism of fat. Eat less fat; avoid concentrated sweets. Avoid fried and baked goods. Eat less meat (anything that moves is meat). Eat more vegetables. Eat less rice, potato, pasta and bread. Most importantly, exercise. Exercise is one of the few things that lower the body's resistance to insulin, which is the problem with Type II diabetes. I have seen patients get back to normal blood sugars and cholesterol, just by taking a brisk 1/2-hour walk everyday.

Good luck.

Board of Directors
Lincolns of Distinction


Wishing you the best John. Diabetes is a really sucky disease. But they are doing more research into it all the time, and new drugs are being developed.


So sorry to hear about your situation. Man, that's a lot of news in a short period time. Must be good to know that you've got good friends pullin' for you though.

Thank you for all your hard work as head mod. and take good care of yourself. Everyone's thinking about you...



New member
Wow. Sorry to hear ALL that is going on with you. But things will calm down and get better. They always do.
My father had Diabetes where he was taking insulin shots twice a day. But, you know what, he changed his eating life style, quit smoking, and was always doing something. He lived his retirement life as he wanted and would have wanted to. The only thing he complained about was that he couldn't have the ice-cold beer after a round of golf.
Wishing you the best for you and your family. And congrats to your daughter for kicking butt.


New member
Thank you all for your replys. I have been looking around the web at all kinds of information on Diabetes. I am going to meet with a specialist at the end of the month and find out what my exact needs/limits are. Then I will be going back to my doctor in 3 months and get rechecked by him and will go from there with it.

My grandmother is hanging in there. They had her on blood thinners due to a clot, but she started bleeding out. So they did a transfussion and for now she is looking like she is doing better. They have some more tests to run, but think she should be okay and back on the right track shortly.


Former LOD President
I wish you and your grandmother the best. Diabetes will require an adjustment to your life but you'll learn to live with it and it won't hamper you too much. Hopefully your grandmother can recover quickly.


New member
Best of health to you and your Grandmother. It's good that you're trying to learn more about Diabetes; some doctors don't explain things well to their patients. Education is great ;)