My weekend

M Darrah

New member
I'm bummed that I didn't get to attend the festivities in Michigan, but my weekend wasn't a total loss. I've been meaning to go to this for years.



Lincoln Evangelist
Threshing shows are a great time. I'm glad you got the chance to go to one, Mark.

There's one I participate in every year near Fargo, North Dakota. it apparently competes with one in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, for "largest show" each year.

Not to discourage you from "my" show, but the Mount Pleasant one is huge, and a lot closer to you than the one I participate in.. Also, they have an electric streetcar... We just have a couple old steam trains...

Mount Pleasant:

Rollag, MN:

Or just search youtube, for either.. It is truly amazing, to see this turn of the century technology in action. And you'll never get closer to it.


Head Moderator
Very nice, I love those hit and miss gas engines and the steam engine tractors.

I went to a lot of those shows in England, they call them Traction Engines over there, they even let me drive one pulling a trailer full of people once.


There is one local to the twin cities that I have brought my T to a few times, I love seeing all the old steam tractors.

M Darrah

New member
I'm glad a few people appreciate it at least. I would have much rather been at the Michigan meet, but it wasn't an option and this beat sitting around feeling sorry for myself.

Mike Martin, my friend whose garage I'm renting for the Mark is really into this stuff and was the one who told me about it. He does go out to that one in Iowa and spends the whole weekend there. It looks cool, but we'll have to see if I can go.

They did have a small car show tucked away in the corner at this one (along with a somewhat out of place WWII camp and a huge swap meet with tons of parts and tools). Maybe 30 cars, mostly Model T-type cars (I really can't tell one from another). A nice Chrysler Imperial in black as well as a 1969(?) Ford Galaxie XL 429 GT, which looked pretty badass. In a way, I appreciate these cars more than the six figure muscle cars because they're still affordable and so many of them look just as cool. Mecum auctions is coming to the area in October and if I have a solid job by then I may just decide to buy something.

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