neeed help on air bags please!!!


New member
i just purchased a 96 lincoln contental and i wanna know if theres a way to make it so that my car bags down when i want it too? lmk guyssss


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It doesn't need to be "fast bagged". Just go to the top of the site tHe Lincoln Tech and you'll see the Kale Mod or the Rays Switch. With some simple relays you can just flip a switch to lay it down like mine.


New member
well right now its sittting croooked idk why and idc why i just neeed all the air out of the carrrrrr!!!!!!!how do i get all the air out my system


New member
You dont want to do that.
The suspension wasn't designed nor intended to be operated at the extreme lower limit of travel.
it's pefectly acceptable to "slam" the car in a controlled manner.

but if you attempt to drive the car with "all the air out of the system" you are going to break some expensive suspension components, and more than likely crash the car in the process.

the car is "crooked" because one of the bags either has a leak or is out of adjustment.
your first step is to correct the current problem, before attempting to modify the system to lower the car on demand.

you very much shouldn't "IDC" and should very much wanna "IDK"


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Lol, well said...especially the last part. :)