New classes at Carlisle


LOD Board of Directors
Lisa from Carlisle productions just called me.

She has granted us new classes at Carlisle.

Modified Mark VIII will now be broken up into:

Mark VIII Modified 1993-1995
Mark VIII Modified 1996-1998
Mark VIII Custom 1993-1998

I split the modified this way because there are fewer 2nd gen modifieds. The addition of the 1996's will meet the count in that class.

Custom cars will be those with four or more modifications in engine, interior, exterior and wheels.

Lincolns of Distinction


LOD Board of Directors
I am mixing 1st and 2nd gens because there are only about 30,000 second gens made while there are about 100,000 first gens made.

Modified is up to three mods. Custom is four or more mods.

Lincolns of Distinction


With "LOD" Since 1997
So there is a lot less CE, factory specials etc ... so where does that logic fit in that there is a sperate category for them? They had 3 cars and 4 cars the past two years in that category.


LOD Board of Directors
I have hoped that more cars would show up in the Factory Limited edition class. So far no Spring Editions or Diamond Anniversary Editions have shown up at Carlisle. The TASCA Mark VIII should make its appearance in this class this year. I hope more CE's come this year. Carlisle keeps classes for rare models to encourage those people to bring their cars. The Starsky and Hutch Torino class at Carlisle only had two cars last year.They will keep those rare classes.

Lincolns of Distinction


New member
This will be my first year to the Ford show.

I have been thinking about bringing up my Mark VIII white-pearlescent CE.

Are we allowed to drive into the festival area?
Is there a fee, or is that if you want to enter a contest?

Where should I go and how do I find my fellow LOD members?



LOD Board of Directors
All registered cars are allowed on the show field. Most of the Lincolns there are owned by LOD members. The LOD tent will be right next to the field of Lincolns.

Thanks for coming to Carlisle.

Lincolns of Distinction


New member

Where will I find information about registering?

Also, is there a secret LOD handshake so that we know who is a member and who is general public? :)