New Crossover Tube


Loved Carlisle 2011
So my mechanic thinks he's funny. I gave him the new crossover tube that I purchased from a fine upstanding member of this very forum and asked him to install it along with some other stuff. I told him it was freshly bead blasted and would need a quick coat of paint. Guess I did not specify what color.

I had no idea he even painted it PURPLE:eek: as a joke until I opened the hood today. He was laughing his ass off when I called him. At least it's nice and shiney!:D


New member
Just say it's the result of the damaging effects of sunlight on your color used to be ford blue.


New member
It is amazing to me to see what the east coast does to cars. My Cali only Mark doesn't have a touch of that corrosion/rust on it.



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M Darrah said:
Looks like he got started on the alternator too lol.
Haha that's just the glare from the super purple shine. :)