New Owner of LaserSVT's S/C Mark VIII!!!

Mike P

Staff member
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Oh wow you bought it? That's a nice car, congrats


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Wow that KB looks huge!


New member
Glad your Happy with it. Any plans for its future?
Yes sir! Doing my research right now but planning on stroking a 4.6 into a completely forged 5.0 to set the KB on.

LaserSVT sent me an awesome link to a company that makes custom suede and leather interiors for reasonable price. That will probably be the first modification while I'm building the engine.


New member
welcome to LOD, how is my motor treating you??? cant beat a nice southern florida motor and a kenne bell on top!!
It's doing awesome man! Runs great!! Just training my ears to ignore the big noisey injectors I've been mistaking for valvetrain chatter. Like most car guys I'm just sensitive to any and every noise the car makes. Had my stethoscope out as soon as I got it home going over the entire engine.

My buddy came over in his modded cobra and his injectors are the same size but twice as loud.

Really like the car, just trying not to bug Laser with a ton of questions :)


Really like the car, just trying not to bug Laser with a ton of questions :)
I have to do the same thing with my previous owner(s) of them being Jeremi. It's like trying to pry information out of an alligator's mouth! :wave:


New member
I have to do the same thing with my previous owner(s) of them being Jeremi. It's like trying to pry information out of an alligator's mouth! :wave:
I don't have that problem, he says it's no big deal every time and says to call anytime. Super cool dude!