Non Linking Pcm


New member
I have a 2000 lincoln ls was misfiring mechanic checked everything said the pcm was bad but car was running i sent off to get it rebuilt well the company claimed they couldn't rebuild it because they couldnt go into programming mode well i found that strange because mechanics were ablle to go into it they sent it back i noticed the connector enginner code where the proms go into it etc.. were for a 02 Jag S type and my ford sticker was still on the casing for my exact yr car. I hooked it up and tried to start it nothing!!! I called a locksmith because i was hoping their scan tools/programming tools could help right when they hooked it up it said SCP MISSING MSG then they tried to erase it but couldn't then they tried many other tools to the bcm well none of them would allow the pcm to link its like the pcm is dead! Well i was going to buy a new ecm/pcm the dealership claims they can't do anything because they have to be able to pull the data off the old one using the bcm obd2 port and you can't because it don't link to the pcm obviously because they changed the connector to a jag and im sure the jag connector they put is fried and they prob put mine onto another jag ecm and sold it for $800! What do i do everyone is acting like they cant do anything at all without being able to pull the data/vin off the old one! Please help!!!! Im worried about using these online places that claims you can buy a ecm and they can off car program it. I basically need someone who can program it oem so that my car will run so i can get the dealer to reflash it i need someone who can pull data off mine without it being on my car thanks


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