Optima Batteries


New member
I'd say you'd be better off with a yellow top in our cars. However, the Hawker Odyssey's are much better sealed batteries. Around here for my carthey run aroud $150 or so, and give better performance than optima's.

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New member
I don't remember the model number off the top of my head, but you can call the battery store and they should know. here's a link with stores they have in illinois,

Optima red tops are normally for just starting cars. But due to our larger engines, they aren't as effective.
Yellow tops are for stereo systems requiring extra batteries. They are more powerful than red tops, but are notorius for not starting well when it's cold. They are also known to leak, even though the whole point is that they aren't supposed to leak.
Blue tops I beleive are the same as yellow tops, but are supposed to be for marine applications.

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I had the yellow optima for the last three years. It never disappointed me. I don't have a big stereo, but I used to work in a radio shop and we got a sweet deal on them. Nevertheless, I bet there are better batteries. They cost most than the optimas, though.


Gee. I feel silly with my DieHard Battery............