
IceMans Revenge

New member
Well I'm working 32 hours the first three days of this week to compensate for the time I'll be away, so I decided to start packing before I came into work tonight. This year is alot more complicated to pack for. They are calling for rain all four days, and it's been alot cooler here in New England than it was at this time last year...hence the huge bag with at least two of everything..:$
Last year it was simple..tank tops and shorts. I even remember being in the pool around dusk and being comfortable.


LOD Board of Directors
Thanks for making the effort to come to Carlisle!

I see that they are calling for scattered thunderstorms now for all three days. The forecast was for clear weather just a day or so ago.

It seems to raining every day for the past month here in the Northeast.

If it keeps on raining the Carlisle orgainizers can have an Amphicar convention in July!

Lincolns of Distinction


New member
Since April 7th we have had 9 days in New Jersey that it has NOT rained! :( I have kept track. It's been drizzling this AM allready ! Sun out & raining !!!

Come July, we'll have 5 days of sun & 85+ temps, and immediatly the EPA will proclaim, "WATER SHORTAGE" "NO CAR WASHING" ~

Last week I heard in certain areas of NJ they were having a "Managed Water Relief Program" (Translation: Draining water from reservors out and down sewage systems, to keep the reservors from overflowing, causing massive flooding of residential areas).