Solo II - Mosport - June 22


New member
I'm running my Mark VIII at the Solo II event at Mosport on Sunday June 22 if anyone's interested in joining me.

If you want to run your car, registration starts at 8:30 and it cost $35 bucks. I ran last weekend (for the first time)and had a blast! Got 4 runs in before I got sick of the sun/heat and headed home. You should have your own helmet, but they do offer loaners to encourage first timers. It costs nothing to watch.

Met some great people, too. Parked near a guy with a SS Camaro with +++ mods and he took both me and my son for a ride. I was running 52 second laps and he was running 42 second laps on street tires! I had a big grin on my face!

Just an FYI...


Boy, that would be so much fun. I hope I can do that some day with my Mark. However, it'll probably have to wait until next season, as I wouldn't trust my current tires and I'm sure the heavy braking would finish off my rotors. Straight line hauling is one thing, but circuit racing on a road course like Mosport is a whole different kettle of fish.

I live less than a half hour from Mosport. Maybe I could meet you there some time and at least give you some moral support. Feel free to drop in anytime you're in the neighborhood.