Sponsoring a Trophy at Carlisle



I thought that it would be a jesture of support to the club for us to sponsor a trophy at Carlisle this year. These trophies are awarded by the club to those members in attendance. Judging is done by registered club members. This is over and above the judging that is done by the Carlisle staff.

The cost to sponsor is $50 bones US. I don't mind ponying up the money myself on behalf of the chapter. If anyone would like to chip in $5 or $10 bucks the next I see you, that would be appreciated too. With 15 members, I think we can find a spare $5 or so amongst us. No intent to be make anyone feel guilty. I just think it's a good jesture.

Here's the list:
Best Non-Mark VIII Lincoln
Best Mark VIII Lincoln
President's Choice
Best Modified Engine- sponsored
Best Stock Paint- sponsored
Best Stock Engine
Best Daily Driver
Best Stock Interior
Best Modified Interior
Lowest Mileage
Highest Mileage
Best Modified Paint
Hard Luck - sponsored
Furthest Travelled
Furthest Driven
Most Unique
Best License Plate
Schroedinger's Cat Award

I suggeest that we sponsor the "Best Daily Driver" catagory. Before I go ahead and let Alex know, what are your thoughts? Anyone opposed? I don't want to start something that you're not comfortable with.


New member
- sign me up for the going rate.

- Given we're the only(?) international chapter, how about a "tie in" as sponsors of the "furthest travelled" award... even though we're not that far away and probably would never win it (which would be part of fun by explaining how close we really are);).

Just a thought....


I posted a message in the All-Ford Carlisle thread that we would like to sponsor the Furthest Driven as you suggested. HuggieBear is going to spot us for the $50 US assuming they let him cross the border! We can pay him next time we see him.


And here's what actually happened.
"The OCC was pleased to sponsor the Lincolns of Distinction Car Club - Best Audio Award at All-Ford Carlisle 2003. The award was presented to Pete Donato, (Nysbadmk8) of Deer Park, New York. Congratulations, Pete. In attendance from the Ontario Canada Chapter at Carlisle 2003 was George Bairstow (HuggieBear) and his wife Rose."