Super Secret Black 2nd Gen Meet


New member
What the hell did I miss??? Some secret society meeting? Which location (I'm assuming Schaumburg)?

David O'Donnell
'97 Mark VIII LSC "Maxine II" (RIP Maxine I, 5-16-03)
'91 Mark VII BB "Monica"
'67 Thunderbird "Molly"


Sorry, David, but the last time we invited you out, you didn't even have the decency to show up in a Ford product... }>


New member
Can't help it that the Mark wasn't running that day. Well next time I'll just bring the Tempo. At least I can say I was the fastest thing there!

David O'Donnell
'97 Mark VIII LSC "Maxine II" (RIP Maxine I, 5-16-03)
'91 Mark VII BB "Monica"
'67 Thunderbird "Molly"


Can't help it that the Mark wasn't running that day. Well next time I'll just bring the Tempo. At least I can say I was the fastest thing there!
Ohhhhh, that was below the belt!

Hmmmm, maybe I was just mad that I wasn't invited to a certain Halloween party? ;-)


New member
I promise to invite the entire LOD family to my next party (it can't be at the house though, I don't think my neighbors appreciate all the burnouts I've been doing).

David O'Donnell
'97 Mark VIII LSC "Maxine II" (RIP Maxine I, 5-16-03)
'91 Mark VII BB "Monica"
'67 Thunderbird "Molly"


Actually, we could probably have another "party" at my house sometime. I haven't had one complaint from the neighbors yet.


Yes, we can invite Ursula. I'll leave that to you, Manuel, since you two hit it off so well. ;-)

M Darrah

New member
Excuse me "Trixie", but the first rule of the Black Mk VIII Triad is YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT THE BLACK MK VIII TRIAD! The second rule....

Yeah, I was there too. Ursula was an absolute sweetheart! We all got personalized autographs. Woo hoo! Pretty cool having a waitress who's a celebrity and all.

I'm also the one responsible for there not being any pictures up. I've got the mystery cable.