The Saxmobile...

Stra Dog

New member
Damn, nice pics.

Those rims are hot. Lookin' good.

Jon Ike
95 MKVIII[font color="#CC0000"]


New member
Sweet looking Mark. Nice rims. Nice paint, nice headlights. How many miles on the Car? Love those mudflaps btw :).



That's not the Saxmobile!

But it's a nice looking ride. I'm wanting to see this car in person again (hint hint). :*


New member

That's not the Saxmobile!<<

...i agree! there was only one original...and now one less black Mark!! :( (btw, what did you do with the original??)

...however...a fine looking ride nonetheless!! those wheels rock!


Outstanding!!! Would love to see it in person some day!!! Geez these car's look great when you dress them up a little and apply a little elbow grease...

-Signed- Proud to be a Mark'd Man!! :D


enjoys 3 martini lunches
Thank you, thank you…

Yes, much nicer looking then the pics with that horrible dent.
That car is coming up on 100K and I like to call them “splash guards” not mud flaps… this is a Lincoln after all… :D

Yes Sharon and Frank… I know… it’s not the ‘real’ Saxmobile, but it’s wearing the TENSAX plates, so for now, it’s the honorary Saxmobile. I know, a poser for sure, the 98 has never driven: across a median at speed, through the woods, over sidewalks, up stairs, over curbs, down stairs, or through a chain link fence. And you can’t really be the Saxmobile until you’ve done at least 3 of those things.

The real Saxmobile is still alive and kicking with 200K+ miles. There’s been some electrical whatever that I’m trying to iron out. It died on the Merit Parkway, coming back from NYC one night a few months ago. Driving just fine, the batt light came on, two seconds later all the lights came on, then the car flat died. All the lights, including the headlights, and the engine just stopped. I was lucky to get it from the left lane over to the shoulder with no power or lights. Couldn’t get it running again that night. It runs now, but I’ve been letting is rest while it’s cold out.

Now that it’s getting warmer, I’m gonna start driving it again, locally and see where I get stranded the next time. :D

Sharon, I miss you too hun! We’ll figure something out soon. As soon as I’m in my new place there’s gonna have to be a meet on Cape Cod…

Leo, the shopping cart victim, is resting in John’s garage in CT, he’s rolling in an Aurora while the Iced 8 is recovering. I was the Toyota victim...

The rims are 18s. They fit the car well, and were a lot cheaper then new factory rims.

:7 -J