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Had my supervisor with me as I applied thermagasket treatment. It came in the mail yesterday only 4 days and immediately I went to work. Drain and flush cooling system as you can have no antifreeze present in the system. I have been adding so much water lately anyway it was pretty much flushed. They tell you to add and a half a bottle of and then hmenfill the rest with water. They also recommend removing the thermostat as I have already gutted my thermostat and only use it as a bushing I was ok. They recommend using it just to make sure that it works properly if you're not sure that is working properly. Start the car and run at highway speeds for10 minutes. You can drive the car or if its on drivable keep it at 2000 -3000 rpms for 10 minutes or if your car is smoking until the smoke disappears. I caught my gasket early enough where it was not smoking so I ran it in the driveway at 2000 rpms 410 minutes . I waited for it to cool and then replenished the water supply I have lost which was about a half a gallon. Then I removed the plug from the crossover tube and ran it to make sure there was no air in the system and closed it off. This is a crucial point in our cars as air in the cooling system Causes problems . If you have not done this before it's fairly simple when you remove the plug you will see a little coolant come out and then you can watch the water rush by underneath for the air bubbles will come up. This is called burping as it makes a burping sounds as the air bubbles vacate the system. You'll know you're done when the water just rushes by and no bubbles or phone come out the top. You're supposed to leave in the system and Dr normally for the next couple weeks. Then drain the system and add 1 Cup of Prestone loudtalks antifreeze. I don't need antifreeze in Florida so I just run water and a tube of water wetter it's available in the fiction section in the auto store. This is to help your engine run cooler its not antifreeze and keeps the system lubricated from rusting. So I drove around later to check it out and I did not lose any water so it is fixed. I've used thermagasket before with success on heavily damaged head gaskets and I swear by their product and when I tell you it works. The only time I had a failure when I use the treatment a few months later I had installed headers and exhaust and it started to overheat again and lose water. While they were working I guess they jostles loose the gasket so I just ran the other half through that you don't use in the beginning and it kept on working. If you've got head gasket problems Google thermagasket and check it out. Their tech guy Dave is always there help with any information and directions you may need.

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