time to zaino


New member
I am about to start doing the full zaino treatment on my car and was wondering if i was to go with all 5 layers of wax, do i need to do all 5 at once or can i just do 2 or 3 now and then do the other 2 later or would i get too much junk in between the layers to do it that way? If so how many coats do most people here use to get a really nice shine


New member
Not sure what all products you are referring to when you say 5 because they have so many.
The current condition of your paint determines what steps you need to use. When I started, my finish had the usual fine scratches that really show up in the sun so common on black cars. I used Z1, Z5 then Z2.
Zaino was the only product gave me results that were acceptable to me. I tried the new ZFX ($20 for a tiny vial) this year but I don't like it. It eliminates the need for Z1 but its too much hassale mixing the stuff up, then if you don't use it all it goes bad.
I did 3 coats of Z5 and now keep up with it using Z2 about every 2 months.
I tried the Z6 gloss enhancer and my trained eye couldn't see any noticeable difference so I quit using it. I do not think it is necessary. Money and time is better spent applying another coat of Z2.

I have drawer full of name brand swirl removers and high grade polish that couldn't produce like Zaino. I'm sure there are others out there I just haven't found them yet. Never have I received so many compliments on the finish of a car. With the Zaino what I really like is if the car gets dusty, I go the car wash, hose it off and take it on the highway to dry it and it looks like it was hand washed and dried.


New member
sorry i asnt more specific, i meant that if i did the Z5 i know they say you can do up to 5 coats, how much better would it be to do all at once or if i wait between coats will there be too much stuck in the wax to where i should strip it and start over again


New member
I never use clay bar. I wash every 5 days, and wax with Souverne by Pinnacle monthly, one coat only. Satin Finish Concours Tyre Shine on tires and Eagle one Chrome & Wire wheel cleaner on rims. Rims done, spray lightly with Pledge and buff to stand up to brake dust so that crud flys off like a bird when hit with a hose. Blow dry with lawn/leaf blower on "hi" = no lint, no fuzz & no streaks. Nothing touches it but AIR.


THE Ultimate !


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The picture I used came from a former posting by Pete Donato, who does not realize that I have been kidding with him, over it ~ due to the shortfalls of this medium. No offense Pete.


New member
you crack me up sandy. I also have to say sorry. I went to garwood today on very short notice 1am last night, and didnt tell you sandy! Sorry


New member
ok... then how does the clay bar magically remove particles embedded in your paint trought the wax? clay bars remove wax.. not polish oils but wax protection is removed


New member
It's Okay, Petey! I could not have made it ~ I am sick. Sick as a 3 Cyl. Yugo ! Have not been outside in 60 hours! :(


New member
k leo. i just did i test... I just waxed a portion of my test bench, sprayed it with water, Saw the beading action and saw the protection of the wax.

Then i used pinnacle Clay lube, and Meguiars white clay, and clay bar'ed the surface. I wiped down the surface. Then i repeated the spraying of the water on the surface. No water beading or rolling ocured, The wax protection Was gone... as it is everytime you clay bar your car. you are removeing paint contamination on the paint surface... Wax is on the paint surface... to remove surface fallout or contamination on the paint surface... everything else must go.... if you want pictures of the following test.. or a even more meticlus test, or you want a diffrent wax used Let me know.


New member
i firmly belive clay bars remove wax. Waxes are surface protectants.. Very thin, brake dust, dirt, grime, road tar, tree sap.. eat it away and pit themselves very easy. I clay bar on average 4-6 cars a week... any wax that was on the car is gone, and any wax i put on is gone also... it may not penetrate 15-20 coats.. but it will remove One-two maybe three coats on wax


New member
Not trying to be a smart ass or anything, but how is the clay smart enough to remove every other surface contaminant but not remove wax contamination that is on the surface? Isn't wax just as much a contaminant as rail or brake dust or sap or whatever...but instead of being a damaging contaminant, it protects the surface from the other potentially damaging contaminants. I tend to believe that the clay is removing all "bonded surface contaminants" like it says on the Meguiar's tub of clay...including wax.