trac assist


New member
i have a 96 mark viii. When i first bought it about 2 weeks ago the trac assist worked fine. But know it will not come on. It is always in the off position even when the car is first started. I have no idea where to start looking. Any help would be great


New member
come to think of it no it doesnt had the chance to test it out the other night. But the OFF is at the bottom of the button id lit so would it still be a fuse?


New member
I have checked all of the fuses and have found non of them to be bad. I checked in car and under the hood. The trac assist will still not come on. Maybe a bad switch or is there any way to tell?


New member
Could be the bulb in the switch itself. Possibly nothing wrong but a burned out bulb. Unless you definately know TC is not working.


New member
When the TA is off, the light is on.

It could also be a bad ABS sensor. If one is non-functional the ABS system and the TA will go out. It could also be the computer. Difficult to diagnose ovr the intraweb.


New member
[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
When the TA is off, the light is on.

Yep, hadn't used it in so long, I forgot that. Thanks for the catch.



Former LOD President
sorry i kinda forgot about this post.

most likely thing to go wrong is a wheel speed sensor. pull the wheels off one by one and make sure they're all still there, all still aligned with the sensor rings, and all the wires are still good and connected properly. If that doesn't do it, pull out the light bulb that is telling you it ain't working and forget about it. ABS isn't really worth the money to fix if it's anything more complicated than a wheel speed sensor or a fuse. Just make sure you know how to handle a vehicle in slippery situations with no driver aids.

BTW the T/C on the gen 1's works solely by applying the rear brakes if it senses wheelspin below 34 mph. After that it shuts off. It uses the ABS system to apply the brakes, so if there's an ABS fault, the t/c won't work.


Former LOD President
you wouldn't get a check engine light, you should get an ABS light. But the bulb could be burned out.