WTB: Trailer hitch!


Hey, all. I am in need of a trailer hitch to finish my move from MA to MI. If anyone is selling along my route (MI, OH, PA, NJ, NY or southern New England) please let me know. I would be driving out Friday the 25th possibly into Saturday.

Also if you are in PA or east, please let me know if you have an extra bed to lend me Friday night. ;)



Thanks, I saw that, too. If there's no one here to give money for one, that's my next option. Looks like that's where I'm headed... :D


Maybe I need to post in the glove box, but yeah. I'm not just out in MI on vacataion. I got canned a few weeks ago so I filed my unemployment and MOVED out here with what I could fit in the car. Now that my unemployment has been coming in, I need to go back for the rest of my stuff that is still in my old room I was renting on the cape.

This also reminds me....I should start looking for any traces of trailer wiring. Unless I need to just wire it up from scratch or from a kit...


El Presidente
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When I was young and single, I could move all of my earthly possessions in my car in one trip.

It made moving quite simple. :D
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