Trophy Categories For Carlisle


As those of you who attended Carlisle last year know, the Club provides additional trophies in addition to those given out by the Carlisle All-Ford Nationals.

What types of trophies would you like to see given out this year?


Getting kinda close? Yeah, I guess but we've had quite a bit going on lately. ;-)

Last year's awards were I believe as follows:

1. Best Stock Interior
2. Best Modified Interior
3. Best Stock Engine
4. Best Modified Engine
5. Best Stock Paint
6. Best Modified Paint
7. Farthest distance driven
8. Highest mileage
9. President's Choice
10. Best Daily Driver

In addition, there's Schroedinger's Cat Award and the Hard Luck award.

I think the intent is to offer awards which are not duplicates of the awards from the show itself. You know, gives some of us without true show cars a chance to get recognition. :)

I was thinking an interesting award would be for most interesting license plate.

Or something for those members who are attending but won't be bringing a car to show?


New member
"I was thinking an interesting award would be for most interesting license plate."

Sharon: I would be the hands down winner, but unfortunately, I am unable to attend.