Vinyl Top products - what works best?


Old Guy - Few Posts
No, I'm not getting a landau top for the LSC. I just replaced the vinyl top on my 84 Chrysler 5th Ave winter car (nothing left of the old top but shards and foam) and it already looks like crap. It's silver vinyl, and it shows dark shadows in various places. I used a strong cleaner on a previous vinyl top & basically destroyed it. I'd like to clean & protect this one properly. Any recommendations?


Im pretty pathetic I guess, I kinda like the landau top for the LSC.


LOD Board of Directors
Use Fantastik to clean the vinyl roof using a medium soft plastic brush. Rinse the roof with water and dry. Use Meguire's vinyl protectorant on the vinyl. My father's 1985 Lincoln Town Car vinyl roof still looks new with type of care.

Lincolns of Distinction

IceMans Revenge

New member

I'm at work right now, but I'll get the name of the best stuff I have ever used once I'm home. It's a car products vinyl dressing. I used it when I used to detail interiors. It's a semi-thick white creamy spray. It actually smells a little like coconuts, and everyone who sees my cars say they alway look and smell brand new inside. I even use it on my leather seats because it works better than mink oil.

As far as cleaning I would just use a damp rag, or even a little dilluted car wash soap...I like Meguirs Soft stuff. But if Alex swears by Fantastic..then it should be safe to use.