
New member
Just a while ago I overheard my sister and mother talking about hiding under the stairs or some such overzealus bullcrap and blew it off as I was hot and smelly from cleaning out the garage, but then I got on the internet and lookied at a couple of hurricane radar pics and this thing is no joke! It's moved from a cat 3 to a cat 5 overnight AND while on land which isn't a good sign. I'm no longer taking this thing for granted. Going to be doing some hurricane shopping, checking the flashlights, putting the car (not mine :( ) in the garage, putting the plants in the garage and whetever else needs done to get ready.

Anyone else in Houston gunna go through this?


New member
If you really think you might ride this storm out, go to WDSU.com and look at the devastation caused by Katrina. I think you may change your mind. They're still pulling bodies out of New Orleans. Look at Pass Christian and the Coast and their bridges. Our I-10 twin spans from New Orleans East to Slidell are all but destroyed. This ain't your mama's storms anymore. I don't know about Texas, but La. has no barrier islands left and that's your 1st line of defense. Look at the NASA pic of La. before and after Katrina...it's mind-boggling how much land we lost in one storm. Half of Plaquemines Parish(the tip of La.)is STILL under water. They estimate over 100 boats sunk in the Doullet Canal which was legendary for being their safe harbor. They still don't know how many shrimpers/fishermen went down with their boats. BOTTOM LINE: IT AIN'T WORTH IT...GO NORTH YOUNG MAN!!!!! God Bless and Good Luck!!! I've already got my reservations in Jackson, Ms.


New member
This is why so many people died in n.o. They were complacent. I hear the same stuff over here in Florida. "we never get hit", "There is something about the shallow water in our area", "My house is strong". All I ask is not to see those who stayed complaining that somebody should have done something for them. That somebody owes it to them to bring food and water. There's always plenty of food and water north of us after a hurricane. If we are mature enough to make our own choices, we should be mature enough to look in the mirror for blame.

Good luck, be safe, and be prepared for those who stay.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?


Good luck to you all and be careful.

And thanks for the link Marcia. With all the flooding being shown on TV, I didn't realize how much damage there was from the initial hit of the hurricane itself.


LOD Board of Directors
Good luck and be safe. These cat 4 and 5 hurricanes are not for riding out. I heard an analogy of the difference between a category 4 and 5 storm is like a pedestrian being hit by a car vs a pedestrian being hit by a truck.

Board of Directors
Lincolns of Distinction


Former LOD President
Good luck.

If you can't take the lincoln out of the area put it on jackstands in case of flooding.


New member
We are watching Rita too as we are only 150 miles from the coast. 180 miles from Houston. There goes my golf.;(


New member
There were people in NO that had the ability to get out who waited because they knew that Mayor Nagin was going to open the Superdome and DROVE to the dome and PARKED their vehicles in the lot and then had the nerve to complain that the govt. and the city let them down and owed them transportation out. The story that upsets me most is the one about St. Rita's nursing home in St. Bernard Parish. The owners abandoned about 34 patients and left them to drown while allowing themselves to be rescued. The parish offered to evacuate everyone 2 days before the storm, but they said they had a generator and lots of food and water to make it ok. A day before the storm there was supposedly another offer that was refused. Just really hard to believe that a human being could do that to another. Another tragedy is all the animals that were left behind.

Enough about the past........some advice for those facing Rita...which may still include NO. Make sure that you take any pics that you don't want to lose with you. Take your mortgage papers, insurance papers, birth certificates, pin numbers for credit cards and bank cards along with a recent statement to prove how much money you had in your account,etc. Make sure you have at least $500 cash because your debit card may not allow withdrawals (mine didn't while I was in Memphis). Take pics of all of your valuables and possessions for proof and take them with you. Take kids' toys and hopefully a dvd player + movies and games (even a deck of cards). Take a heightened awareness with you...there are a number of people from La. that were robbed in Memphis because the garbage saw La tags on the vehicles and figured there were valuables in the trunk, etc. and helped themselves. That's about all I can think of right now...a hot shower and my bed are calling.............zzzzzzzzzzz
Again, good luck and don't take this storm for granted...it's like having Godzilla breathing down your throats. That thing is HUGE.....


Former LOD President
Also, don't forget the guns, and bring plenty of ammo. If you're in Texas i'm sure you have it sitting around somewhere.

Personally, i hope this goes north and hits New Orleans again, and hits it hard. Maybe then people will realize "hey, we shouldn't build an oceanfront city below sea level" and we can save money there by bulldozing rather than rebuilding. Also, it would save the taxpayers from having to pay to rebuild galveston. Then there's the fact that everybody in new orleans is already gone or dead, so the death toll would be lower.


New member
[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
Personally, i hope this goes north and hits New Orleans again, and hits it hard. Maybe then people will realize "hey, we shouldn't build an oceanfront city below sea level" and we can save money there by bulldozing rather than rebuilding.

Hey, tell us what you really think... ;)