why where the games locked?


Boost King
A request came in and asked for a MOD to consider closing the "game" threads in the Glove Box forum so they can "end" properly.


New member
I enjoyed them but if someone had a problem with them they can stay gone. maybe make a subforum for them so whoever doesnt like them doesnt have to see em?


I suggest reopen ong because George isn't allowed to win his own games! :p


El Presidente
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J3 Safari/6533.18.5)

I thought it was a game that had a timed interval. The winner was supposed to be the last post before the thread was closed by a moderator???

If I misunderstood, please advise.

Make no mistake, I do not care for such mindless entertainment, but I thought they had run their course, well, well, beyond what any prudent opinion and I asked for a moderator to "end" the threads so someone could "win".

If you want, start another, but please give it a time limit of sorts.

Geesh. :(


With "LOD" Since 1997
maybe close them after 1000 replies and start a new game?. there was one game that was the last post game but that ended.


New member
I'm down for whatever gets decided. Like steve said the only one with a time limit got closed a while ago. but I'll let admins/mods decide

Mike P

Staff member
Wirelessly posted (Droid 2, cldnt afford iPhone : Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-us; DROIDX Build/4.5.1_57_DX5-35) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

mlschultz said:

What's with the rolling eye's Mike? You know where the request came from. I will be happy to unlock the threads if that's what everyone wants. :)
Lol I was referring to that, ie; here we go with you know who


El Presidente
maybe close them after 1000 replies and start a new game?
Whatever... I really don't have an issue with these threads other than they should be limited in number and they should not be in perpetuity.

Feel free to start another. :)

M Darrah

New member
Just to set the record straight, I was the one who originally suggested we shut them down. I'm OK with being the bad guy. But as Driller said, they could go on forever if we let them, and George's original post stated that they would be shut down at random and the last person who posted was the "winner". If you want to play these things, try coming up with something that's actually challenging, where it eventually ends with everyone getting "stuck" with nothing to post. Then the last guys wins.


Lincoln Evangelist
I liked J's "identify this widget" idea. potentially challenging, difficult to Google, and with clear and defined winners.

I used to enjoy the "word association" thing back in the old BBS days, but the "gameplay" was slower. I think it might have caused one to more greatly appreciate the transition from one word to the next. With ours, I found myself only playing the "next step." lending little meaning to the whole process. Of course, I was a lot younger back then.

Questions, is just difficult to do right. :) I kinda gave up.


New member
another one we could try that might be fun is 3 word story. we all write a story together, 3 words at a time.


Wirelessly posted (LOUD NOISES!: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

No one really played "Name that part". :(

Mike P

Staff member
I liked J's "identify this widget" idea. potentially challenging, difficult to Google, and with clear and defined winners.

I used to enjoy the "word association" thing back in the old BBS days, but the "gameplay" was slower. I think it might have caused one to more greatly appreciate the transition from one word to the next. With ours, I found myself only playing the "next step." lending little meaning to the whole process. Of course, I was a lot younger back then.

Questions, is just difficult to do right. :) I kinda gave up.
will there be prizes?