Pres in 04??

Was Fuz

I think Sandy commented on this in the "poli" post that received so much response.

Does anyone on this board think that the elected President will be any other tha GW?

Hillary has better sense than to cave in and run for a sure loss.
Who does that leave?

Sorry but I cant see anyone that will even touch GW.

Any thoughts on this? :) Jack
RE: Pres in 04??

I dont know about your state, but all Wyoming folk are very pleased with GW.
Of course Wyoming is one of the very few states that is in the black and plans to stay there.
Our sales tax has been 4% for eons, and theres no state income tax, very lax restrictions for business to get aboard.
Wages are low, but so is the cost of living. T
The quality of living cant be equalled anywhere.
Everyone here suypports GW mainly because of his deticacation to our military, his honesty, and the way he is carrying out the tasks that are before him.
Family values are very important up here as well as honesty.

I personally would never vote for a man/woman that was anti war,or that had redistrabution of wealth in mind.

The fact remains in that thought, if you took all the wealth from the "haves", and distrubiated to the "Havenots", I say that within five years, the formentioned "wealth" would be right back where it started from. I rest my case... :)). Best to all, Jack
RE: Pres in 04??

Many persons feel that GW is weak at home. Why, you ask? I'll give the most often given reasons.

#1. American's money in the bank is earning 1.6% in a C.D. Far less in a savings account or money market. It has not been this low since 1959. Seniors who have sold their long non-mortgaged homes and stuck hundreds of thousands in banks to retire on, are no longer earning a living wage on their savings. Under Clinton it was around 6.7%. Under Jimmy Carter it hit 18%, and under Ronald Reagan 9%. Your money in the bank was worth something.

#2. Many people feel that GW has done little towards fighting crime and that he has not been sympathic towards monatary needs of education.

#3. The economy is terrible! 30% of the people are laid off and 30% of the people are facing lay-offs. Another 30% have taken big pay cuts in order NOT to lose their jobs. Will they blame GW for this? Some will & some will not.

#4. Now the big question. Assuming that 50% are Republicans & 50% are Democrats, he will have to win all Republicans & a good # of Democrats. Can he?

#5. MY TAKE......
>>>>>It all depends upon who the opposition is !
IMHO the team that could send Bush back to Texas would be McCain/Lieberman ~ but will THAT happen? Who knows? Short of that, I'll bet no money, honey! :)
RE: Pres in 04??

if hillery runs she will win... lots of people like her... everybody in NY hates her... but she somehow beat the most honest politicain Rick lazio... if shes prez. im moving to Russia
RE: Pres in 04??

Nada,,, Hilliry wouldnt take a chance on running in 04, but in 08 we might be in trouble..
Who we going to run against her???
RE: Pres in 04??

Nada,,, Hilliry wouldnt take a chance on running in 04, but in 08 we might be in trouble..
Who we going to run against her???

Rumor has it that Jeb is going to run against Hillary in 08. Yet another Bush -v- Clinton election. What are the odd's that the two most qualified people in the United States come from families where a mamber was already president. I cant believe that we accept this crap. The most qualified candidate for the Republican party would be the son of a prior President. The most qualified candidate for the Democrat's would be the wife of a prior president. How can we believe that we have any control over our government or any say in what happens. We have lost total control. I liken our form of government to that of royal families. This is not at all what the framers of our constitution envisioned.
RE: Pres in 04??

Where's FDR when you need him?

I'm with Sandy... I'm a conservative, but even I believe GW is too weak at home. I was out of work for 19 months, and when I found a job it paid 1/6th what I used to make... for nearly the same work!

Hell, I don't like liberman, but I'd vote for that ticket....
RE: Pres in 04??

I'd vote for McCain in a heartbeat, but it ain't gonna happen. As for Bush, I think he's got more troubles than the economy, at least down the road. This whole "missing WMD" thing is really starting to heat up. I've even heard a couple of Republicans are muttering the 'I' word.

The last thing we need is a radical liberal in the white house. In the unlikely event that that happened, we'd just be in the same boat as we are now, only it'd be the Republicans bitching and moaning and attacking. Of course, "radical liberal" probably means McCain to some of you, so I guess it's all subjective. Personally, I think McCain's got more integrity and honestly in his little finger than... you know.

What we need is someone who is more concerned about what's best in the LONG-TERM for the people of this nation rather than concentrating on winning political points with special interest groups and looking only for short-term (as in election cycle) gains.
RE: Pres in 04??

Jack, the 'Me Too' was in sarcasm.;) I am definitely labeled conservative, and support GW on most issues. West Virginia had been a Democratic stronghold forever until finally someone the likes of GW came around and woke people here up. WV voted Republican for president for the first time since I don't know when. That is the number one reason IMO ex-KKK Senator Byrd is so vehemently anti-Bush. I admire Senator Byrd for his Constitutional savvy and obvious pork-barrel politics but many here feel he has worn out his welcome. Now, don't get me wrong, I truly believe apathy on the Democratic side played a big role, but the Republican fervor here has never been to the level of the 2000 election cycle(and BTW probably will never be again).

>What we need is someone who is more concerned about what's best in
>the LONG-TERM for the people of this nation rather than
>concentrating on winning political points with special interest
>groups and looking only for short-term (as in election cycle) gains.

If GW was concentrating on winning political points, he would NOT have done or be doing what he has. For that, I admire his political standing tremendously. The vast majority of his foriegn and domestic policy decisions are high-risk platforms. Yes, it may have turned out better than most would like to admit, and yes, domestically he is accused of being weak, his public presentations have been criticized, but he says what he wants and is willing to stick his political career on the line. That is quite rare in today's politics. My fault lies in lack of fiscal discipline displayed to date. Here is where I believe GW plays the politics game... he tries to give everyone what they want, and we just cannot afford that.

IMHO its a long time until the 2004 election, and a lot can happen, so I don't put my money on any current candidate. The memory of the voters is notoriously short. But I would bet against Hillary, since I believe there would be more block votes brought out than liberal votes brought in. In today's split political scene, I think it would mean a 'landslide' victory for virtually any opponent to her ticket.
RE: Pres in 04??

#1. American's money in the bank is earning 1.6% in a C.D. Far less in a savings account or money market. It has not been this low since 1959. Seniors who have sold their long non-mortgaged homes and stuck hundreds of thousands in banks to retire on, are no longer earning a living wage on their savings. Under Clinton it was around 6.7%. Under Jimmy Carter it hit 18%, and under Ronald Reagan 9%. Your money in the bank was worth something.

Keep in mind, that the people that had a mortgage on their homes at that time were paying that much in interest as well. Could you imagine paying 18% on a home loan today? Not to mention taxes. How long ago was it that the top income tax rate was 95%?

#2. Many people feel that GW has done little towards fighting crime and that he has not been sympathic towards monatary needs of education.

The PATRIOT act sure is a godawful way to fight crime (no sarcasm there). But crime-fighting isn't really the governments job anyway, nor is education. Of course, as you say, that doesn't stop people from knocking bush for it.

#3. The economy is terrible! 30% of the people are laid off and 30% of the people are facing lay-offs. Another 30% have taken big pay cuts in order NOT to lose their jobs. Will they blame GW for this? Some will & some will not.

The economy is starting to rebound, but of course, it isn't going to be a quick recovery. Most people don't realize how little the president actually affects the economy, and the same people either don't realize or choose to ignore that this started under Clinton.

Also, your numbers are just a wee bit inflated. Unemployment is still very low if you look back over the last 20 or 30 years. Everyone i know that wants one still has a job. Everyone i know from college has been able to get a job so far. It's taking longer, and some are getting laid off, but they've thus far been able to get another job in a reasonable amount of time.

#4. Now the big question. Assuming that 50% are Republicans & 50% are Democrats, he will have to win all Republicans & a good # of Democrats. Can he?

I think it's more like 25% Republicans and 25% Democrats, with everyone else falling somewhere in the middle. All i can say at this point, is that i hope it's a hard-fought democratic primary, because most of what those guys have been saying is going to alienate the other 50%. I think that if the election happened today, Bush would beat any and all comers. We'll have to see what happens in the next year and a half.

#5. MY TAKE......
>>>>>It all depends upon who the opposition is !
IMHO the team that could send Bush back to Texas would be McCain/Lieberman ~ but will THAT happen? Who knows? Short of that, I'll bet no money, honey! :)

I'd vote for McCain in a heartbeat, and as far as democrats go, i like Lieberman better than any of the rest of them. A mixed ticket like that would really be an interesting thing to see.

The last thing i want to see is Hillary getting the presidency. Her policies scare me (nationalized health care?), she is a cold and calculating woman with no regard for the truth. Short of Jesse Jackson, she is absolutely the last person i want to see in the white house. I hope she runs this time around, because she'll get trounced, and that'll ruin her chances in '08.

:) :)
RE: Pres in 04??

You hurt me , Dave.
I try to be just & fair,
but truth be told,
the ticket I personally want
is Hillary for President and
Jessie Jackson V.P. I'd like to
see them take 4 years and then
have Jessie move up to President
with Jessie Ventura as Veep !
Jessie & Jessie .... YES !
Rev. Al Sharpton lookin' good too!

Isn't this all making Nixon look like
the great Pres. he really was? !
I liked him! Carter I liked alot, too.
But they can't compare to
Hillary & Jessie x 2.
RE: Pres in 04??

I heard today that Bill Clinton is thinking seriously about running for mayor of New York City in the next election.

Lincolns of Distinction
RE: Pres in 04??


Do I detect a certain amount of sarcasm? I sure hope thats what it is. Madam Clinton, along with her husband are the most narcissistic people I've ever seen. Sharpton needs to be institutionalized.
RE: Pres in 04??

clinton loves Nyc and we might be better with bill then bloomberg... but hey i wont be in NY long enough to care about this
RE: Pres in 04??

Well, look on the bright side. If Hillary does become pres, at least we'll have an assassination on our hands to bitch about, not that anyone would give a fruck. Better hope she runs with a decent VP. If I posted my opinion on Jesse Jackson I'd be permanently banned from this board...
RE: Pres in 04??

Thank god for that, Chris.

/me shudders at the very thought

BTW, let's get together sometime...
RE: Pres in 04??

You're nuts!

I wanted Paul Wellstone for Nat'l. Security Advisor under Al Sharpton, my ideal head of the Electorial College under Jessie Jackson Veep and Jessie Ventura Speaker of the House & Madam Clinton President! "The Untouchables"