Need Help Fighting a Ticket


Hi all, I got my first ticket in two years tonight, supposedly running a stoplight. My 2 other tickets have both been legit, but this one is wrong, and I want to fight it, but don't know how.

I was coming off a bypass (65MPH) and there is a very short exit ramp, with a light at the bottom. As I got close to the light, stll doing about 40 it turned yellow. By this time I'm maybe 75 feet in front of the light, and there is no way I'm stopping in time, so I go through. Halfway through the light turns red, and down the street was a State Trooper who nailed me. SHe claims I entered on Red, which I did not. Like I mentioned, there was no way I could stop in time.

THe fine for a first offense in ohio is 100 freakin bucks, plus my insurenece will skyrocket. How do I fight these things? Thanks.!
RE: Need Help Fighting a Ticket

were there any white dashed lines before the solid white line leading to the light? At least in NH the light are supposed ot be timed so that as long as you are inside the dashed lines and doing atleast the speed limit, you can safely make it through the light. I don't know of that helps or not, but thats all i've got. Other than that, challenge it and go to court, hoping that she has better things to do than to show up, and you get off scott free.
RE: Need Help Fighting a Ticket

The short answer, is simply to go to court and plead your case. If you really want to fight it, a lawyer should cost you a few hundred.

Odds are against you though. I have only beat one ticket in court, and thats cuse I had a passenger who had a "creative and imaginative" description of the events :)
RE: Need Help Fighting a Ticket

A lawyer has gotten me off every time, even if i was blatantly wrong. I've always at least gotten it taken under advisement, which means if i don't get anything else within 6 months or a year it goes away. It's always been worth the money.
RE: Need Help Fighting a Ticket

I agree with Dave. Get a lawyer, the sooner the better. It may cost, but it's better than the cost you'll face from your insurance company. If they raise your rates, theres no telling how many years it will be before your risk score is lowered.

I would not volunteer that I was doing 65 when entering the ramp, and weren't you really doing 35 when you approached the intersection. At least go check the posted speed limit, it's information your lawyer will want.

Good luck.
RE: Need Help Fighting a Ticket

My Dad was a lawyer & a judge. Leecon is 100% ON THE MONEY. NO off ramp that I ever knew of had a 65MPH speed limit - you'd better scratch THAT from your story. Say as little as possible, let your "mouthpiece" speak for you. Might cost you $400.00. (Or about the first year's increase of a 4 year insurance "boost" ~ you'll come out ahead $1,200. Learn. Slow Down.
Call the Legal Aid Bureau and ask for 3 names of lawyers in the area who specialize in TRAFFIC COURT cases. Go visit them IN PERSON. Pick the one that that listens to YOU the most in his office. THEN after that......YOU forget how to speak and let him speak for you.
RE: Need Help Fighting a Ticket

I didnt mean that the exit ramp had a limit of 65 MPH, the highway did. Sorry for the confusion. The ramp is only a few hundred feet long, by the time I got to the intersection i was doing about 35-40.

I like the lawyer idea. As mentioned it may be a few hundred now, but the higher insurance could be thousands. It just dropped last month too. :-(
RE: Need Help Fighting a Ticket

Make the court date, and see if the HPC shows up, if she
doesnt (which is about a 50/50) you are home free. If she does,
dream up an excuse to ask for a contiunce.
BTW if she was in front of you there is no way in Hell she can
convince a Judge that she was positive you entered a red signal.

If your front wheels were over the crosswalk (if there was one)
you were legal anyway.
It was probably safer that you went on through (since there was
no oncoming traffic) than to try and come to a safe stop with all
that oil on thearea you would have been required to stop on.

Besides maybe you looked in your rear view and saw this pickup
with several little heads right behind you. You couldnt put them
in danger by exercising a rapid stop. Maybe the pickup was following
to close for safety, and the driver was talking on a dreaded cell. :)

Need any more, Ive probably heard them all. Fuz
RE: Need Help Fighting a Ticket

Use some caution before hiring a lawyer because all cases are different. What pays off for some won't necessarily work in all cases because there are so many variables. If it doesn't work you are out a lot more than what the state and your insurance will nail you for.
I think Ohio uses the points system like PA. Do you have any points? If not you have a good chance of getting the fine reduced or let go with a warning. If you have points on your record you may be in for a challenge
It is definitely worth claiming not guilty and having a hearing. It sounds like you ran the light. You are guilty. If you get into a "I said she said" contest with the cop, you will lose because there are no witnesses to stand behind your story. Go to the hearing, Dress in a suit jacket and be professional. Admit you may have run the light but ask for leniency or a warning saying that is more than enough to learn your lesson. Paying the fine is nothing compared to the insurance going up. This is what has worked for me. It all depends on the judge. They get so sick of hearing people lie all day trying to get out of tickets when they are guilty as hell that sometimes being honest will get you some mercy.
Good Luck