President BUSHisms...


enjoys 3 martini lunches
"The educational issue ought to be discussed about."

"It is clear out nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas."

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"

"They misunderestimated me."

"I think we agree, the past is over."

And my personal favorite...

"Actually, this may sound a little West Texan to you, but I like it when I'm talking about myself, and when he's talking about myself, all of us are talking about me."

Whoa... Shouldn't we all be proud? I'd list a few more, but I don't want anyone’s head to explode. -Joe

LOD - New England Member
94' Black on Black Lincoln Mark VIII

- "I've got a record, a record that is conservative and a record that is compassionated." -Pres. George Bush
RE: President BUSHisms...

I still think that if Bush is saying the latest tax cut is to create jobs, he ought to take the money he wants to give back to business and the wealthy and create the jobs himself, maybe in things like jobs such as road and other maintenance, education and teaching. Both areas are really suffering these days.

That $350 billion would employ 1 million people at $35,000 per year for 10 years!! Now THAT would be job creation, and business/wealthy wouldn't have to lift a finger to create the jobs... Theoretically, the money ends up exactly the same, assuming the wealthy were to spend that $350 billion creating jobs, as Bush would have us believe...

'97 Mark VIII LSC
'96 T-Bird 4.6L
RE: President BUSHisms...

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure." --Al Gore

"Democrats understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child." --Vice President Al Gore

"Welcome to President Clinton, Mrs. Clinton, and my fellow astronauts." --Vice President Al Gore

"Mars is essentially in the same orbit... Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun-, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, & water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe." --Vice President Al Gore, 8/11/94

"The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century." -- Vice President Al Gore, 9/15/95

"I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change."--Vice President Al Gore, 5/22/98

"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, & that one word is to be prepared."--Vice President Al Gore,12/6/93

"Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things." --Vice President Al Gore, 11/30/96

"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future.'' -- Vice President Al Gore

"The future will be better tomorrow." --Vice President Al Gore

"We're going to have the best-educated American people in the world." --Vice President Al Gore, 9/21/97

"People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history." --Vice President Al Gore

"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made." --Vice President Al Gore to Sam Donaldson, 8/17/93

"We have a f irm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe." --Vice President Al Gore

"Public speaking is very easy." --Vice President Al Gore to reporters 10/95

"I am not part of the problem. I am a Democrat." --Vice President Al Gore

"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls." --Vice President Al Gore

"When I have been asked who caused the riots and the killing in L.A., my answer has been direct & simple: Who is to blame for the riots? The rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the killings? The killers are to blame." --Al Gore

"Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it." --Vice President Al Gore, 5/20/96

"We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur..." --Vice President Al Gore, 9/22/97

"For NASA, space is still a high priority..." --Vice President Al Gore, 9/5/93

"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children." --Vice President Al Gore, 9/18/95

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system." --Vice President Al Gore


"As many of you know, I was very instrumental in the founding of the Internet" --AL Gore to Katie Couric 3/99 (To which Dan Quayle responded: "And I invented spell-check!")
RE: President BUSHisms...

Paul, what a hilarious compilation you put together there. I could hear is slow, slurring type mono-tone in my ears. HeheHaha.

Joe, shame on you. Looks like your own guy (AlBore) beat you to the punch. Geez, just thinking about Al ruins my day.

'93 MonsterMark Project Car
RE: President BUSHisms...

LOL! Both are actually very funny.

I wonder how many of us could be hounded by the press, day in and day out, every word recorded in some form or another, and not trip over our tongues.
RE: President BUSHisms...

Those are cute!

I can't stand the way Dubya speaks; very, v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. Why is this? (I personally think it's probably just the speed at which his brain is functioning.) I have heard that presidents are taught to speak slowly for the benefit of interpreters, though that wouldn't explain his slow speech while at home.

I couldn't stand Hillary either. She sounded very condescending; as though she were talking to a bunch of very dumb children.
RE: President BUSHisms...

Good point John!

There's one thing they won't be able to call President Bush...
That's "Slick George". The thing is, I believe what President Bush tells us. When Clinton spoke, I felt like he was saying whatever he needed to so he could remain popular.

When President Bush speaks, I feel like he is trying to honestly communicate his ideals and beliefs to us. Sometimes he creates his "Bushisms", but I don't doubt where he is coming from.

When Clinton spoke, he licked his finger and put it in the air to see which way the wind blew. Then he would answer to the polls. Clinton is the poster child of a person who lacks any spine or convictions. The only thing I could count on with Clinton is his disgusting personal behavior in the White House.

Gore...who's Gore?
RE: President BUSHisms...

Bush sounds like he's struggling to say what he has to say without stumbling over himself. At least it seems honest, though.

Slick willy always sounded like he was being as technically honest as possible while lying right to your face.

Al Gore sounds like he's just trying to make something come out of his mouth while he can come up with an answer that will please everyone.

Hillary sounds very cold and calculating, like she measures her responses and twists the issue (i'd say facts, but that might be giving her too much credit) to elicit the reaction she wants from her audience.

And if you followed me around with a microphone day in and day out, i'd be in trouble.
RE: President BUSHisms...

If you think Bushy is slow, what was Gore. Or worse, check out Lieberman. You can see him form every word with his mouth.

Dean, I agree. That is what I really super-disliked about Clinton. You could tell when he was lying (most of the time) or worse, he was just saying things that would prove poll popular. With Bush, what you get is what you get. I would rather have truth and conviction, than slick delivery.

'93 MonsterMark Project Car
RE: President BUSHisms...

Clinton is an attorney. It's easy to tell when an attorney is lying-his lips are moving!

Listen to Bush when he talks. He says "nuke you lr" in place of "nuke lee r" (nuclear). This is a personal pet peeve.
RE: President BUSHisms...

I think many of those statment by Al Gore confirm what I ahve suspected for a long time - he is from the future!

Yeah GW comes off as sincere, but while he was practicing that skill (and it is just a skill!), Gore was reading about the history of public policy or something. "Hi, George Bush, rush chairman, damn glad to meet'ya!" "Thank you sir may I have another!" har har

94 Mark VIII, Black / Black
RE: President BUSHisms...

Listen to Bush when he talks. He says "nuke you lr" in place of "nuke lee r" (nuclear). This is a personal pet peeve.

That one bothers me too. Makes him sound like he's in elementary school. Every time i hear that i wonder if he says "pasghetti" instead of "spaghetti".
RE: President BUSHisms...

I wonder if W uses "irregardless"?




libary? The dang ole Libary uh' Congress!

94 Mark VIII, Black / Black
RE: President BUSHisms...

It was President Eisenhower who first popularized the addition of a syllable to nuclear. He made it into nu-cle-ar instead of nu-clear.

Lincolns of Distinction
RE: President BUSHisms...

this is the best explanation yet for "nucular". I will no longer cringe when i hear it pronounced like that. if to say, "We're the ones with our fingers on the button, and we'll pronounce the word however we damn well please."
RE: President BUSHisms...

Bush's mispronunciation could well be intentional. If we think back to Gulf War I, his dad always pronounced Saddam as "sad' am" and not "sa dom' ". That pronunciation was supposed to be very insulting, but I can't remember why. Supposedly it came from his CIA days.