401Ks Climbing up quickly


Way off the subject of cars here - but has anyone checked their 401K funds lately? Mine made a 10% jump upwards in 3 months.

Could it be that the economy is FINALLY picking back up?
RE: 401Ks Climbing up quickly

if you consider the Dow a leading indicator of economic health, then you could say things are looking up. Consumer stock trading is accelerating rapidly, that might be a good sign for the economy overall, but it is definatly good for me because I happen to own a bunch of Ameritrade stock !

my IRA and SEP accounts have been heavily in bonds the last few years so I didn't lose very much overall. My bond funds made 20% while my stock funds lost about the same. lately, bonds making 10%, stocks still mixed +/- 10.

Also AMTD has gone from $5 to $10 and more than half my 401k is in that... :D makes me very happy

94 Mark VIII, Black / Black
RE: 401Ks Climbing up quickly

Guys, I have been waiting for a post like this for the longest time... I am 31 years old, just got married and recently bought a house. Neither mine or my wife's jobs offer 401K or any type of retirement. What would you suggest for each. The Roth IRA seems the way to go for retirement, but do you have to specify the stock to buy or does it buy into its own stock? Also the same question for the 401K?

My investment experience is kind of average. I use to work for Morgan Stanley in New York, NY but never payed any attention to the brokers. Things I have bought and sold were like SBUX, NSCP/AOL, DELL and SIB but I have cashed out of all.


BTW - Any own any AMR recently?
RE: 401Ks Climbing up quickly

Not quite - you'll have to remove one of the "P"s. I'm not in the Park anymore - just plain old Grosse Pointe (the original one). I now live a block from the fictious radio station storefront in Grosse Pointe Blank.

Regarding investments - I've never really "invested" in the true sense - I've always given sums of money to people that knew what they were doing and they shared their investments with me. That can range from Money Markets to straight up stock to mutual funds.

I would have driven myself crazy doing it all myself - I would never be sure I had the newest info or the best tip.

On this I'm sure however - for every dollar you have to invest - there's ten people who want to use it to make themselves some money. The trick is to make sure it makes YOU a little more than them.

EDIT: By the way - you can do what Pete did - invest in real estate. Not only does it always go up in value - you can ride dirt bikes on it.
RE: 401Ks Climbing up quickly

Sure was a problem for some folks this year.

Again, that's the problem with making your own investment choices.

It's a dandy idea to invest in your own company - but NEVER more than 33% of your retirement funds and even less if you work for a publicly held company. (Personal Opinion)

Problem is - some companies hand out stock at double the value of raw retirement cash - (it really doesn't cost them anything) and also put some major pressure on middle managers to invest a large share in company stock plans "for your future, boy!". I've heard of some people getting a 20% raise - but only if they take it in stock.

A few years of that, and your portfolio looks pretty good - then add in an "Enron" - and it stings real bad.
RE: 401Ks Climbing up quickly


As long as the RepubliKlans are in the white house, your 401k's will not hold.......just isn't their style.

Invest directly in big oil and the defense sectors, and you have a chance.....a small chance......a very small chance....miniscule in fact..

RE: 401Ks Climbing up quickly

real estate investments out of all my investments are kicking my stocks, bonds, muni bonds, and t-notes bye 4-10% yearly for the past 3 years. hot thing now.... but the "bubble" is looming and thats when yours stocks will take another 15% hit
RE: 401Ks Climbing up quickly

I try not to stay in my company stock too heavily for too long. "Rebalancing" I think it is called. my 401k "trickle" every payday goes 75% mutual funds, 25% company stock. At the end of year, the company issues profit sharing contributions to 401k all in company stock. So, at a convenient time shortly after that each year, I move most of that into mutual funds.


When you buy into an IRA, you select one or more funds to purchase. The selection of funds depends on the company you choose to manage your IRA. it's pretty complicated, really, like trying to buy 3 cars at once...

here is a source for some objective basic info...


94 Mark VIII, Black / Black