STRANDED!! First time in 4 years..


  My key broke off in the ignition cylinder lock tonight.....Turns out the entire ignition key lock cylinder was breaking into pieces...New from Ford-Parts-Online is $153.00 Can't see getting a used one....but i'm not sure about that one either..When I pulled out the broken lock pieces the anti-theft went insane......So for the first time in 4 years and 80k miles, i'll need a ride to work tomorrow.......blah....

Dead 94 Gen1
161.5k miles and holding
RE: STRANDED!! First time in 4 years..

I'll give you a ride! I'm leaving right's what, 13 hours from here to there?

Rats, you'd be late. *sigh* Well I'll take off tomorrow for moral support anyway!

(My ignition is a little funky itself.)

Good Luck!
RE: STRANDED!! First time in 4 years.. have to change out this fine, intelligent piece of human thinking......the key cylinder.......on a Gen1.....You dont have to take off the steering wheel as the instructions would have one believe.....Its as simple as taking off the shroud around the column and pullng out a small pin to get it out of there....then line up the new one and slide it in..(yeah right)..$13.00 from AZ..The thing is, you have ONE chance to get it right....zebe's...I won't be back in your hood till summer..

94 Gen1
161.6k miles