For those that dont know how a car works

RE: For those that dont know how a car works

I cant not begin to tell you how wrong that is, Ok let me tell you boy, In the basic 4 hamster engine, you have a 3 stroke cycle, following along? First stroke, known as the douse with gasoline, second stroke (lit the bottom of the hamsters wheel) thrid stroke the hamsters run like hell to keep there little feet from burning.
RE: For those that dont know how a car works

Geeze Chris - after all your other posts with videos lately - I was expecting someone to catch on fire or at least get bonked on the head.

This is an actual legit animation...
RE: For those that dont know how a car works

hahahahahhaha.......... Geesh Brad, just ripping on everyone eh ! LOL

Too bad Steve still can't be here with us. I'm picking up his hood this weekend, YEAAA!. Cuz of my collision my ride needs a hood, and some new headlights and grill!. Bah what a good time....

Jon Ike
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RE: For those that dont know how a car works


You have one of those toy cars along with your other toy cars you collect?
RE: For those that dont know how a car works

Jon thats what happens when you drive like a chick.
RE: For those that dont know how a car works

Geeze Chris - after all your other posts with videos lately - I was expecting someone to catch on fire or at least get bonked on the head.

This is an actual legit animation...

If my attempts to bring some life and personality into the board aren't appreciated, I'll stop.
Its just that its been SO slow around here lately.Everytime I log on its the same posts with the same number of responses.
RE: For those that dont know how a car works

keep posting videos. Good ones. Where things crash and/or blow up.
RE: For those that dont know how a car works

Geeze Chris - after all your other posts with videos lately - I was expecting someone to catch on fire or at least get bonked on the head.

This is an actual legit animation...

If my attempts to bring some life and personality into the board aren't appreciated, I'll stop.
Its just that its been SO slow around here lately.Everytime I log on its the same posts with the same number of responses.

He sounds like he was joking around. Being sarcastic that no one actually blew up in that link :)
RE: For those that dont know how a car works

How much you charge for clearing the parking lots like that??LOL