lets see your before and after mug shots!!!


i did a similar post to this on another site some time back, but this is a little different. lets see what age does to us lol. to me, it did quite a bit. i lost my hair and good looks lmao. lets try and keep it so your first pic is you as a kid, no more then 10 years old, and now your current age. i had to scan this photo from a pic my mother had of me.
my first pic is at 5 years old, it was 1982 what a hunk:

and this is what i look like now, 25 years later at the ripe old age of 30.

see jesse, i smiled, 25 years ago lol.
It would be quicker if I just post up a pic of me now, then wait ten years and post up that pic, then it would be for me to try and go up to my moms and find an old pic of me!!
Yeah, sorry about that, but I don't have pics to post. There are random pics of me floating around from meets, though.