All I'm Sayin' Is...

Wow. The car looks like a million bucks. I agree on the color too. I can't say that I have ever seen one. I like it!

looking forward to seeing it in person.
Left NY @ 7:30 this morning, rolled over the bridge onto Cape Cod Mass at noon...

1829 miles later :D

:D -J
Gorgeous car, Joe! Can't wait to see it in June (assuming my new job will give me the time off :( ) Sucks about the scratch though... can you buff it out? :D haha
Ok, so here are the pics, and a little more detailed run down of my return trip... I know it was weeks ago, but those who know me know, it's a small miracle if pics are ever posted, let alone in a timely fashion... :p

Let's start with Friday... :D

Nebraska... Love the lack of road salt... even with 100K miles, the undercarriage of this car looks like almost new. Also, since when have license plates been optional? :::looks @ Ken::: :D

Here are some pics from our "Lincolns in Lincoln" dinner...

Ken and I... :D sorry it's a little blurry...


That right license plates optional baby...
actually, I had a back plate...


Some HIDs and that car is complete... :D


Sharp... I know...

Ok, um Iowa... I'm not saying your state is boring to drive through at night, but at one point I passed what must have been a wind farm on I-80 and I thought I was hallucinating... In the pitch black driving rain, none of the wind turbines (that what I guess the towers were for) were visible, so all you could see were blinking red lights way up in the air evenly spaced like a grid over a vast area of land. And speaking of rain... you know, they do make paint that is reflective... I had an easier time trying to follow the tire tracks on the wet road then the lines.


Really Iowa, really?

I knew the second I hit Illinois because not only could I see the lines painted on the road but they use those little embedded reflectors... awesome... :D

Chicago was obviously great... and I don't care what Sharon says, there was a dead kangaroo in the middle of I-355 when I was driving to her house. It was big and grey and dead and had a long ass tail, and luckily I was in the next lane or I would have run it over...


Breakfast was more like late lunch at one of the best restaurants to have ever existed...
Here are some brunch pics :D

Yes... yes, those are beer taps at the table... :D :D :D


That little screen tells you how much beer you have poured... good for both bragging rights, and being billed... :rolleyes:


Sharon :D


Mike :D


Sharon and I :D

Then as if that wasn't enough fun, I got to hang out with Mara, Sharon's sister at her birthday party... :D :D :D

This is Mara... :D

This is Mara... :D

Oh yes... it's Mara... :D

Happy Birthday... :D :D :D


Homies 4 life yo...


Yes... :D


I believe the quote was... "the sun never sets on badass"... :D


Mike chose to wear part of the centerpiece.


John chose to eat part of the centerpiece.


Must be genetics... :D


The sign at the restaurant we were at.


The sign in the other direction.

It was a great party, the food was excellent, I was happy to be there... :D


Leaving Sharon's house north of Chicago the sun actually came out for the first time on my trip... :D

This section of Indiana still smells bad, sorry Indiana...

Once in Ohio I met up with Dean... we went to this great restaurant where they serve you a polished block of granite heated to about 800 degrees and then a raw steak to put on it... :D it was awesome... perhaps the instant gratification of cooking and then immediately eating makes me happy. They also had these potatoes (that Dean recommended) that are cooked with some seasoning that makes you crave them beyond what is reasonable. You always feel like you're one bite away from figuring out what they use...

Prior to dinner, Dean and I had a little miss communication about the location of the steak house.

This is Dean and I... :D

This is NOT Dean's car... :rolleyes:

After arriving at the wrong resturaunt, which was only 500 feet from the correct one, I see this MK parked in the corner of the lot. I think to myself, huh... I didn't know Dean had a 1st gen, must be his DD, or winter car... So of course I park next to it and proceed to take a bunch pics.

So after walking into the restaurant and looking around and not seeing Dean anywhere... I call him...

and then leave... :D

Pennsylvania... There is nothing that I could say that I haven't already... :fart

New Jersey... it rained so hard as I crossed NJ, there were times where I thought I might have to swim. It is rare that I slow down for anything while on the highway, but there were times where it was just completely impossible to go much faster then about 50...

New York... Have you repaved the 6000 miles of roads in the city yet? There were potholes that were so bad, it was literally dangerous to drive in the dark. The next morning after only a few hours sleep I had to negotiate holes that had everyone on the highways moving at a crawl. It didn't matter what kind of car or truck, you just had to try and walk over, around and through all the spots where the road no longer existed.

Here's a shot of Brooklyn @ 7AM...

I probably should have stopped walking to take this... :D

Anyway, I can't wait for Carlisle... :D :D :D
Gorgeous car, Joe! Can't wait to see it in June (assuming my new job will give me the time off :( ) Sucks about the scratch though... can you buff it out? :D haha

That scratch isn't on my car, it was on one I looked at in NY...

:D -J
Wow, I got drunker than I thought at that party. BTW, my sis adores you. And looks like a fun trip, glad you got to meet up with Dean!
I've seen you drunker... :D

I'd almost forgotten how much fun your sister is... I'm really glad the timing worked out that I was able to go.

And yes dinner with Dean was fun, once I figured out where dinner was... :D

:D -J