Awesome Cat Video!! Here Kitty, Kitty!!

RE: Awesome Cat Video!! Here Kitty, Kitty!!

Did anyone see the mouse hiding behind the beanbag and the dog hiding under the coffee table?

That video is pretty funny.
RE: Awesome Cat Video!! Here Kitty, Kitty!!

I find cruelty to animals as entertainment in bad taste.
RE: Awesome Cat Video!! Here Kitty, Kitty!!

Paul, are you telling me those guys knew the cat had front claws. I have two cats and I found that hilarious.

The reason I have two cats is because we lost our cat 2 months ago. After 18 days in the freezing weather and snowstorms, we gave up hope, had a closed casket ceremony with the kids and went out to the humane society to get another cat. 3 days later, he shows up at the door, 5 pounds lighter and with dirt clinging all over his fur. It was good to have him back. Unbelievable. I wish I had a cat cam so I could see where he was for 3 weeks. Oh ya, no front claws and we have lots of coyotes. I had figured he was lunch.

'93 MonsterMark Project Car
RE: Awesome Cat Video!! Here Kitty, Kitty!!

Well I guess if the cat thought it was hilarious, I would also. My cat will be 15 in 2 weeks, has his front claws and never goes out unless either my wife or I are close by and he does listen and won't leave the perimeter of my house. He also sits up like a dog on command without any bribing with treats and does a couple other things when told. A neat little friend.
RE: Awesome Cat Video!! Here Kitty, Kitty!!

I wish I could say the same. Mine is 10 years old and as soon as the weather starts to warm up, he is out the door. That is what happened a month ago. It was about 40 F outside and he got out (if he wants out, he will get out) and then it turned freezing (around 0) with snow. So he got stuck where he was because he won't walk on snow.

Cats do stupid things and are fun to laugh at and love.

'93 MonsterMark Project Car
RE: Awesome Cat Video!! Here Kitty, Kitty!!

I just lost my cat also. Had him for 14 years and last year he came down with a terminal disease and the doctors gave him up to 3 years. He made it to one year but died. I miss him. I'm a dog person but I HAD THIS CAT SINCE I WAS 11. He slept with me all the time and had become a great companion. His entire life he only had 3 legs because one of them was deformed from him getting run over right before we got him. His handicap didnt keep him from doing things. I found him on the roof/ on fences all the time.

Thought i'd vent my frustration there for a second, sorry. Anyway, I think I've seen the video and it's very funny.