Carlisle Cake (Adult Content)


enjoys 3 martini lunches
So, um... first, who has a birthday at Carlisle this year? (Sharon?)

Second, who's going to toss the official LOD Carlisle cake off the top of the parking garage this year? :D

The 1st annual cake was sent off by our President at the time, Dave Hogan...
Cake 1:

The 2nd annual cake was allowed to free fall by my very own Amanda Holland...
Cake 2:

So... who's us for this year? :D
Nope, I'm finally not birthdaying at Carlisle this year! Last year I spent most of my b-day driving.
BTW, cake #1 was sent to it's abrupt asphalt halt by El Presidente :rolleyes:
(not JP)
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BadSax said:
I do not condone such actions. :)

You're anti birthday? :p

It's my cop coming out. No having fun...with cakes. ;) My b-day is May 22nd if that helps.
Isn't it ALWAYS JP's b-day? Fine, if no one else steps up to the plate with a birthday, we can pretend, but really... you aren't going to surprise me, unless somehow Mrs. Driller can get 49 candles on a cake all lit at the same time.

BTW, who has choo choo? Do I still have that stinky thing? Or did it get used on JP's b-day?
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Having a Birthday at an LOD event may be hazardous to your mental health.


MY birthday is the same weekend and place as last year. :cool:
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Having a Birthday at an LOD event may be hazardous to your mental health.

really... it may just be hazardous to your health in general... :D