Cruise control missing??


I was looking at the pics on the " cruise control just died" string, and looked at my motor and didn't see the linkage or any of the hardware I saw in the pic. I asked if I need to remove some covers or anything to see the linkage and got no help. My cruise hasn't worked since I bought the car a month ago and am now wondering if it is just plain missing from the motor. Any help is appreciated. thanks
RE: Cruise control missing??

What year is your car?
That pic is of a gen2 Mark engine.
I believe the gen1s linkage is in a different location,if not different all together.
I looked at my 93 and it looks nothing like that.
RE: Cruise control missing??

The picture is for a Gen2 which was what the discussion was about.
RE: Cruise control missing??

The year of my Mark is a 93. If anyone has a pic of the location of the cruise control, I would appreciate a look at it. I am going to get a service manual from a co-worker pretty soon, but until then, I will rely on you guys for help. Thanks for the help.
RE: Cruise control missing??

My first post was in reference to your question not about the pic of the gen2 mark engine.I didnt think you had a gen2 opiewann.I dont have a service manual either so I cant be of direct assistance. The area you need to look in is in the rear and middle of the engine.You have to remove the beauty cover to access that area if you havent done so already.
RE: Cruise control missing??

The cruise control actuator is in the drivers side fender well, if i recall correctly, and the cable goes to the throttle body. The throttle body on a gen 1 is at the rear of the intake, right by the firewall. Remove the beauty covers, and the intake tube, and you should see more than one cable going to the throttle body. I don't recall exactly which one is the cruise control cable, but if you find the actuator you can figure out which cable it is.

My cruise control died on my '94 once when i had it. I was just cruising and all of a sudden, the car started slowing down. It turned out to be a broken cable, which i replaced. It wasn't too difficult, and i had no more problems after that.
RE: Cruise control missing??

Thanks a whole lot for the info guys. I will take off the "beauty covers" and see whats what.
RE: Cruise control missing??

Does your horn work?

They run off the same heavy duty engine fuse..

94 LM8
RE: Cruise control missing??

I bet your CC linkage has broke. Jsut as Dave said it is connected to your TB if you have a gen 1 or gen 2. IT is the long Black plastic piece connected to yoru TB likage. On a gen 1 if you take jsut he Throttle Body tube off you can see it perfectly.

The plastic CC piece jsut clips on a circular stub on the TB. If it breaks then your CC will not work. I bet that is what happened. It is very hot back there and the plastic gets brittle. If it is still connected to your TB then your CC cable might be broken. best thing to do is pop off the TB tube and get to lookin.