

Did you feeling the earth "move" this morning....anyone else in the mid-west feel it? Centered in southern Illinois - New Salem, I think.
Nah, I was fast asleep. But I did hear some people up here in the north felt it. I didn't spend much time at work today to ask around, I need to ask the kid, but I think he was asleep at the time too.
I had just gotten to work in downtown Akron when it hit. I was on the 14th floor of our building and it shook pretty good.
We have a couple crews working in southern IL and they reported the early morning earthquake. Apparently it was rather strong.
I heard about it on my drag racing message board.

they said 5.4 or something>

That aint no earth quake...that's a mild tremor around here.

but...Ill?....yea...not a very common spot for a quake.