Greetings from Carlisle


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Greetings from the Gingerbread Man. I'm in Carlidle to see some movie about Chipp Millers search for a particular Corvette. Kinda had to come since they are a big sponsor of my shows. Between the travel, hotel, and bar tab (Badsax take note) this will be one expensive movie!
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Greetings from the Gingerbread Man. I'm in Carlidle to see some movie about Chipp Millers search for a particular Corvette. Kinda had to come since they are a big sponsor of my shows. Between the travel, hotel, and bar tab (Badsax take note) this will be one expensive movie!

Nice that it's a tax deduction!!!!
I tell you, this was one hell of a film! I recommend that everyone see it if you have the chance, it was quite extraordinary. Even if you're not a Corvette enthusiast, or even a car enthusiast it's worth seeing. Well worth the trip to see it. Afterwards I met people from as far away as Paris who came just for this. Hanging in the hotel bar I made some pretty good connections too! It turns out the car was restored not more than 20 minutes from my house! I met the restorer, Kevin McKay, who actually knew who I was! He's on my mailing list for the car shows... who knew?

Here are some pics.







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Oh crap, sorry guys, I downloaded right from the iPhone and didn't think of the size of the images.
Um... I believe that is a $109.50 ticket right there...

That Corvette is clearly parked on the sidewalk... :p
Cool! Was that one of the first air box vettes he was looking for?

***edit*** never mind, I just watched the trailer.....duh
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