Home-Made Bread


Has anyone here made any home-made bread? I just made a 2lb loaf of Rye and was wondering if any of you has made bread and how you you SAVE it from spoiling? As there is anly 2 of us, I know we can't eat it all at once...so how can I keep it?
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Doesn't the fridge retain it, just not as long as the freezer?
I usually put it in a freezer bag and try to eat it somewhat quick but it never lasts more than a day before my brothers devour it
My house doesn't have a kitchen drawer that would hold a bread box!

I sealed it with plastic wrap and put it in a used Bread Bag.
Ours was on the kitchen counter, not in a drawer! :p

Truthfully, I have not seen one for ages.
when i was a kid my parents had a breadbox on the counter near the stove, i remember the olive green disgusting looking thing lol! when i buy bread from the grocery store, i put it in the freezer as soon as we get home, even when bread is frozen, the slices seperate real easy, and 10 seconds in the microwave or a few minutes in the toaster and its all good!! bread lasts so long in the freezer. nothing is better than home made bread though, yummmmmm