

I have to write/perform a monologue at my school for a creative writing class. I have to ask people questions, the class came up with these questions to ask people in milwaukee, then I have to write the grace moment of when they were talking. Tomorrow I have to dress like one of them, and act like them, while I read to the class exactly what they said and what they looked like. I have already gotten some funny replies.

Heres the questions as I know I can get some funny feedback from you guys.

1.Why do people love the packers??

2. Have you ever witnessed packer spirit?

3. Why do people love beer?

4. Who is someone you know that loves beer and can you tell me their drinking habits?

obviously these questions are aimed at people in milwaukee, so feel free to include your local team and such.

RE: homework

Here's some more questions, if you can use them...

What REALLY goes into a Sheboygan bratwurst?

What gives paper mills that oh-so-fresh scent?

How does it feel to be Chicago's northernmost suburb?
RE: homework

I'll take the first one...

1.Why do people love the packers??

- What else is there to love about Wisconsin winters?
- Because they can't spell LIONs
- It's all they can get on the one station that comes in
- It makes sure they aren't confused with Yoopers
RE: homework

1.Why do people love the packers??

Cheeseheads don't know any better.

2. Have you ever witnessed packer spirit?

I thought that was just being drunk and disorderly.

3. Why do people love beer?

It makes me forget the Bears/Packers games.

4. Who is someone you know that loves beer and can you tell me their drinking habits?

My friend drinks until she gets up to dance on the tables, and then she gets cut off.
RE: homework

>>What gives paper mills that oh-so-fresh scent?

How does it feel to be Chicago's northernmost suburb?<<

I dont know what paper mills smell like. So, about the suburb thing, we get all of the pollution from chicago, cough*trixie*cough
and we have stricter emmisions stuff and so on. Thats what I dont like, oh, yea, and chicago just smells.
RE: homework

I just got what the other guys said, Im going to use the last two interviewees for class:>>

Blue shirt, khaki pants

I have no idea,
I could care less about the packers
I think that people are looking for something to take pride in and it’s the best they can do around here,
I dunno, beers alright,
I drink a beer now and then,
But no,
I don’t get particularly excited.

Dark shirt homework dude
Probably just cuz its Wisconsin’s NFL team.
Probably just cause there’s a huge tradition of it, its basically the biggest industry in the city, and basically put the city on the map
96 when they went to the superbowl, everybody, the whole, like, everything on the news, all the time, like all you saw was packers anything, they always started everything with packers, it seems like that’s all anyone ever talked about, and the uh the place that I worked at the time, everybody was just like a total nerd about the packers

berette dude
I think that’s a pretty generalized statement,
I don’t love the packers, I’m not a sports fan besides racing,
so, and I m a person in Milwaukee
Um aside from the history of beer in Milwaukee, and the fact that the whole economy of the city for the most part, not the whole, is shaped around it
There’s not a whole lot going on,
basically a past time
Uhh, I was serving food and cocktails during a packer’s game and I made really good money, they were winning so people were tipping
Me and a lot

cowboy hat dude
I don’t know, I’m not really a sports fan, I guess my roommates, they constantly like freak out, and drink tons of beer, like all day long, and just watch packer games
God, everybody I know loves beer, I’m gonna go with my roommates again, their drinking habits are pretty poor, like, waking up in the morning and drinking beer in the morning, first thing, then going all day long

Dan: completely tattoo’d face, worn out plaid shirt, black jeans.

When they went to the super bowl a couple of years ago,
think in 98,
when everybody had the little flags,
it was everywhere,
everyone was
really happy,
I've gotten into fights with friends over the packers,
I’m more, I’m more of an 85 bears fan
Well beer is a 4 letter word, just like life is a 4 letter word, and I think somehow, they form a symbiotic relationship, Beer is life where as life is beer, and being in Milwaukee, we are in beer city, where the flare is stronger nearer the temple,
that’s right,
I’m running for mayor
It’s not a habit, it’s more of a lifestyle.
Whats your habits, stop the merry go round.

Larry :Tattoo’d face, dark plaid shirt, brown, tight black pants, hat

Its like Ill go on a bender for maybe 3 or 4 days,
then Ill be like,
I totally have to stop
And then I et for a couple days,
and then I feel better again,
an I’m just like I feel totally good,
I was so good the last couple of days,
I should get drunk and then I go on another bender,
It’s a horrible cycle,
but I have a lot of fun when I’m on my bender,
no I hate it