Keypad funky


All of a sudden my entry keypad doesn't respond to my code. I had to enter the code several times today and then it suddenly worked. The locking function seems to work fine, the pads aren't broken as they light up if dark and I hit one.

Any clues?
RE: Keypad funky

Interesting problem!
It's unique to these types of devices. What happens is that the carbon contact which is beneath each button you push becomes deteriorated and therefore you lose contact to the circuit board that is directly underneath it, the end result being that the function doesn't operate for that particular button. At first they get intermittent, and finally quit altogether.
I'm presently working on a fix program that will restore these carbon contacts. This will be good as Mark owner's and others will be able to get their keyfobs and entry access button assemblies restored to their original newness, especially after the parts are no longer available from Ford or other sources.
I know that this reply won't help you with your problem, but at least you now know what is causing it.
I'll be posting more on this in the forum in the near future. Stay tuned!:)