Max's expensive wheel broke tonight.....

did ya catch the sparks being thrown from the front as it was dragged away. CAn you imagine sitting there watching that happent to your car.
wow, can you imagine how the tow truck company tried to get out of this without knowing a video existed?
most of the reason the sparks were coming out was because the passenger side front wheel broke off the car, any car being towed without a wheel is gonna spark! what the video doesnt show, even though the tow truck driver ripped the rear cover and dragged the car, the car was slammed into the wall on the pass side, the whole pass side of the car was wrecked so its not like the tow truck driver took a mint condition corvette and did what you see in the video.
why would you not flatbed a vette? :rolleyes:

btw, who remembers when the same thing happened to Chris's enkei wheel driving into Carlisle... :eek: (Go PA potholes!)

he wore the rim like a gangster style necklace... :D
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Be2lose said:
the vette owner's best friend gets his teeth punched out for crashing his car.

???????? WHAT!?? and Who??? and HOW???

You're right, Max wouldn't hurt a fly.
Glad everyone is OK. Cars can be fixed or replaced, best friends are harder to come by and stick with. So don't let anyone lose any teeth.
Rereading my post it does sound that way.

I just am glad Max is OK and fighting over a broken car is stupid.
We miss you. There, I made my 8,000th about my best buddy. :) Sorry I eff'd up your Vette man.