Michelin's Newest


Here's the scoop on Michelin's latest. They're calling the "Hydroedge" their premier passenger car tire. It is designed to deliver optimized performance in any condition. Excerpts from the brochure are:

Sporty directional tread pattern; quiet ride; top marks in rain, freezing, sweltering heat, or dry conditions; maximized tread life(85,000 mile warranty); maximized hydroplaning resistance; DURABLACK sidewall to maintain the tires black appearance; all-season silica tread compound.

I encountered heavy rain on the way home from Norm's and the rain performance claims are justified. I'll post picture's of the tread later. $681 for the set ($140 ea), balanced and installed in B'ham, Ala.
RE: Michelin's Newest

681$ is a LOT of money for tires !! But sounds like you get what you paid for.
RE: Michelin's Newest

It may sound like a lot but with an 85k mile warranty that makes a lot of difference. Even if they last 45,000 you only pay half for a new set.
RE: Michelin's Newest

Two things my father (RIP) told me about owning a car, "Always change the oil every 3,000 miles and never skimp on tires. The one will help your car last and the other will help you last longer."
I've always abided by that.
RE: Michelin's Newest

Isn't that the case with anything, you get what you pay for. I could have gotten by without buying tires. The ones on it had decent tread but with the temperatures being what they are, and the tires having been on the car for a while, I would rather be safe than sorry.
RE: Michelin's Newest

I am sure Norm's tires had flat spots from the car sitting all the time.
RE: Michelin's Newest

I assure you Norm's car had no flat spots, no vibes all the way to a ton, nice ride, wanted it bad, but not bad enough, excellent vehicle... you will not regret
RE: Michelin's Newest

Thank you Rex!

I really thought you would have bought it. Either way it would have had a great home.
RE: Michelin's Newest

If I were not so motorcycle poor, your mark would have come north with me. Once I unload a motorcycle, will be back into a mark soon after. Thanks for your time, and the privilege of driving/riding your Mark...
