Step One


formerly K.B.R.
Earlier tonight I drove my Mark.And looks like I will soon be able to do so for the forseeable future.

T o make it short.Like the dummy I can be I was attempting to put the chair in front first when I needed to do it back first. :banghead:

So that being said.

Step One is now taken care of and now Step Two is to get my license after 8 very long years. :D

Step Three? Get a Life. :cool:
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HAHA.....No 12 step program.

No,I am paralyzed from the waist down and it has been 8 years since my accident and about 6 years since I had got the Mark VIII.I had attempted to put my wheelchair in before but was doing it in front end first when I needed to put it in back first.Something I should have tried in the first place years ago.
No Lambo doors for me...hahaha!

The doors open wide enough.The problem was just myself not thinking. :banghead:

For theese last few years I would say that my wheelchair did not fit inside the car when all it was was just me not puting in the correct way.
HAHA.....No 12 step program.

No,I am paralyzed from the waist down and it has been 8 years since my accident and about 6 years since I had got the Mark VIII.I had attempted to put my wheelchair in before but was doing it in front end first when I needed to put it in back first.Something I should have tried in the first place years ago.

Congrats on getting back in your Mark and figuring out the wheelchair issue.

Forget lambo doors, you need these
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That was the first video I had found after I got the car.I had really thought about it but after thinking about it and reading the threads about it here it doesn't look to practicle.

But I sure liked the whole idea.
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I remember a while ago you talking about getting that chair in there! What about taking the passenger seat out and laying it there? I had both seat out of mine a bit ago and found there to be tons of real-estate for stuff.
That was a thought at one time taking the the passenger seat out but that was never the problem.The problem was getting the wheelchair to even get inside the car.

This entire time it really wasn't the chair,it was me just not thinking and reversing it and pulling it in from the back first.

But in a way it kinda helped out because there are other things like health issues that I need to take of before I can fully take advantage of "freedom" once again.Nothing too serious just have to be taken care of.I can do more now. ;)

Now if only I can find myself a job to start paying for auto insurence. :)
Haha, well if you lived closer I could just give you a hard top so you wouldn't even have to worry about squeezing it in.

Speaking of which....we are doing a cruise in June(ish), if you're going to be better by than.
Man,there is always something I have to sqeeze into. LOL!

I highly doubt that I am going to have a job by then to afford insurence.But a big just in case,where does this cruise start and finish?