The Kings Pathway

Last Mrk

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You can not imagine the visual effect this has on you when you watch it. If you have a fear of heights, this is enough to put you over the edge; definitely not for the faint of heart!

El Caminito del Rey (The King's pathway) is a walkway, now fallen into disrepair, pinned along the steep walls of a narrow gorge in El Chorro, near Ãlora in Malaga , Spain . The walkway has gone many years without maintenance, and is in a highly deteriorated and dangerous state. It is only one meter in width, and over a 700-meter fall, and over time it has also lost its handrail.

Some parts of the walkway have completely collapsed and have been replaced by a beam and a metallic wire on the wall. Many people have lost their lives on the walkway in recent years. After four people died in two accidents in 1999 and 2000, the local government closed the entrances.

However, adventurous tourists still find their way into the walkway.

The view and the music are almost like being in a video game...very cool!

You should watch this in the FULL SCREEN mode to grasp the beauty of the walkway
Holy Cow, that guy never even put on a safety wire either, notice the folks infront of him doing so. My sneekers would have been yellow on that walk.
I was wondering why a lot of the other hikers had back packs on, now I think they may have been parachutes.


I do for some reason to this day i don't know why, have a fear of heights. Maybee in past life someone threw me off a building or somethingg haha
It was very unerving and sureal to sit and watch that entire video. I couldnt stop. haha I've jumped out of planes at 12,200 feet eighteen times over Dallas TX into the corn fields skydiving, to try to face fear head on and not be afraid. Didnt work. I can hurl myself out of a perfectly good working plane no problem now, but I still cant get close to skyscrapers/ bridges edges without terror gripping the railings. haha I even went on the twin towers to the top and thought i was going to get sick back in the day cause i could feel it sway.
All i can say is extremely beautifull video and scenery and would of loved to go there but i would have stoped on the first crumbled flooring where he walked accross the beam.....hell no. Well maybee if i had a rope and caribeener thing on, but not like he did. That dude is completely lost...or he was a Ninja.....hahha Thanks for sharing this. Definately cool for those of us that would never walk that walk. Whewww....The music definately fit it also.