The Old Lincoln's Still Got It..................


This past friday night I was on my way home from work and found myself lined up next to a 2004 Mustang GT (old body style). I knew is was a 2004 because it had '40th anniversary' badges. Before we even started, I thought I would lose.

The light turns green and we both nail it. I had the lead right off the line. From 0-40 I had about a 1/2 car lead on him. Then from 40-110 I proceeded to pull away and actualy put about 3-car lengths on him.

Then we lined up again at another light. This time he was in front and I was behind him. Again we both nailed it off the line. I could see the 2-patches he layed right off the light. As soon as the lane next to him opened up, I moved over and passed him. Again another 0-110 and I easily took him. Starting from behind I got about 1-length on him.

I did NOT think my 211,000 mile Lincoln still had it like this, but she does! I haven't had a race like this in probably 2-years!!!

I'm guessing the Mustand was automatic, because I didn't see it buck. For those that don't remember, I have a 93 Mark VIII with a cat-back exhaust that I've owned for almost 9-years that did a 14.3@97MPH in it's heyday.
RE: The Old Lincoln's Still Got It..................

Wow, great kill. I'm impressed with how long these motors can last. Would you mind telling us what type of oil you use?
RE: The Old Lincoln's Still Got It..................

I just use regular non-synthetic oil and change it every 4,000 miles.

I will tell you however that this is not the orginal motor. My car had the infamous "cam-tensioner rattle" back around 55,000 miles or so. The motor was replaced under warranty with a remanufactured motor. I actually had the motor replaced 5-times between 55k and 65k miles as i got a bad batch of remanufactured motors (A very long story I posted here a long time ago). The current motor has about 150k on it.

Everything around the car is/has fallen apart, but the motor seems to do OK. {knocking on wood}
