truck release not working


My trunk release button has been flaky for a few years. For a while it always clicked and just wouldn't always open the trunk. It appears to be not fully releasing or was stuck. In about the last 6 months it doesn't work at all. No click or anything? Also, the button on my keyless entry works about 1 in 10 tries. The batteries are new and the keyless unlock for the doors works fine. Any ideas on fixing this? IT's more annoying than anything.

btw- I have a94 with 103K on it. I suppose electrical issues will keep mounting up on me.

I can tell you EXACTLY whats wrong. Its all too common. There is also the possibility your brake lights dont work, mine did not.

Along the driver's side trunk lid hinge locate the wire harness and open it up. You will find one or more cracked wires. Repair and you should be fine again.